To trim or not to trim

So my bitches are lookin like this, its week six and their in 18hr on 6 hr off cycle and i was wondering if i should trim them up like if i never trimmed
them for their whole life time will they still grow good chron? help would be :leaf:dope:leaf:IMG_0586.jpgIMG_0568.jpgIMG_0558.jpg my camera couldnt really pick it up but there are a bunch of little branches with small sets of leaves sprouting in between the fan leaves branches should i keep them or trim them. I dont usually start topping until they get bigger its just i have never trimmed any small branches off before and wanted to know if i should or if any experiences that have happened to people.


Well-Known Member
No do not trim.but i do suggest lst tho and those look kinda leggy what kind of lighting do you use? looks like u had a lot of stretching
yea when they were sprouts i had the light too far but i moved it closer but right now they are under 4 25w cfls im gonna switch to my mh in the next week or so but im thinkin of tryin this new light out instead of my mh. Its a phillips 120w plant light Agro-Lite BR40 i can use 4 of these instead of my one 250w mh but what do you think?


Well-Known Member
If you have the lights to the right distance now, then it would make sense to top, and that way your plant won't look as stretch, or LST and bend it over, also won't make it look stretchy.


New Member
Way too young to be pruning anything.

Unless you don't have the height in the flower room don't top or fim.

Another 2 weeks before any pruning.