to vaporize or not to vaporize


Active Member
I have been looking into making one myself and have been told my MANY people that the way to go is the heat gun. The soldering iron Burns the product. The correct Temp fot cannibus is 180 deg fer. So i would try around that temp. Have a good one and SMOKE YOUR SOX


Active Member
i would consiter myslef a bit of an expert on diff kind of vapes.. currently i have two electronic vaporizers. a volcano and a vaporfection stealth...i have several bongs as well, but i like the high of the vapes as well as the decreased stress on my lungs...(being quite a heavy smoker this is a major concern) the temp i usually use with my vaporfection is 325 anything less and u get a semi weak smoke..anymore and u start to burn the weed...just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
dude how do u have so many vaporizers they are so ing expensive. u only really need one. i prefer pipes, s, or rolling papers because it is easier and quicker


Active Member
I got a Vapir about three years ago.. check it here Air-2 Shopping Cart > Vapir™ Vaporizers

It's totally different from a bong.. like everyone else is saying much easier on the lungs... but yeah it's really hard to say when you got a good lung full. I just inhail normally from it for about five mins and I figure I've got it all. It's will get you stoned for sure...


Well-Known Member
ye, so true mogie. Popcorn after taste right? Iv used a few vapz before and i have to say the volcano realy truely is the best. From what i know there is not really a cheap vap alternative.



Well-Known Member
u can make one out of a lightbulb, id look into it, vapourisers are well pricey. Theres the space case 'globe' as well, not sure if its a propper vapouriser tho, worth looking in to.


Well-Known Member
The vaporizer called "The vape" has worked the best for me. The hits tickle and are soooo smooth.


Active Member
i read this while hitting my ivape that i ran out and bought after researching vaporizor info, i had never used a vape before this like 3 weeks ago. Its a very clean high and very efficient. Today i tried both using the vape and later smoking an unfiltered joint (the most efficient way to smoke via combustion). There was definitelya lot heavier down feeling with the joint. I won't stop smoking joints completely (just mostly) and ill never use my bong again after finding out how much of my hard work gets wasted and i definately like my 125$ box vape (which i payed 70$ for) but i really want a volcano because that hands free digital auto smoking machine is just sexy.