To Young ?? To be Toking ?


Well-Known Member
I dunno. At face value i say thats way too young however i do have a good friend that i met when i was 13..he was 8. The day we met i was on the train tracks by my house burnin 1, and here comes this dopey elmer fudd lookin ass kid outta nowhere. He walks up and just says "smells nice, wanna match?" So was like "um yea". Anyways we became friends, this kid smoked as much as i did and i smoked alot. Now my boy is 27, single dad of a kid thats not even his, has a nice house, nice cars, good credit and works as a prof welder. So seeing that, when people say a certain age is too young to smoke, i wonder why exactly? Besides the obvious reasons, but weed also can be benificial or not really have any effect at all sometimes. I dunno
The cannabinoid receptor exists at any age?
I might have to amend my position....based on this new experience of information, of course.


Well-Known Member
^^^yeah but the brain is still not fully developed until 16. Does it cause I don't think so. Does it keep a few connections from forming? Probably and that's enough for me.


Well-Known Member
Agreed for most any situation, except that of seizures in the child or other rarely occurring extenuating circumstances.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I dont see anything wrong with this I've blazed it with new borns. It really just comes down to what city u live in!!


i've been around pot since i was 9, had it offered to me at 12 (just a joint), but didn't start to smoke regularly until i was a week away from being 18. never wanted to get my folks in trouble if i got caught, so i waited until i was considered an adult. i know people who started smoking regularly at 13 and they're burnouts now.


Well-Known Member
My 6 year old nephew just showed up and said he was skipping today, then pulled out a nug of some sticky icky. He rode his skateboard and wants me to go skate with him at the skatepark. Going to be a good day.


GD! His shit is good! I may have to let him drive


Well-Known Member
With the medical issues aside, there isn't a very good argument in favour of childhood use of cannabis, yes we can discuss points like the health benefits and how cannabinoids are found naturally in a mothers breast milk but in all honesty the stuff available today is potent and having a bunch of wasted kids trying to remember whether it's best to add the acid to the base or the other way around isn't a classroom where I want my child.

When I was this age I was more concerned about how not to break my neck jumping my home made ramp with my buddy's schwinn.



Well-Known Member
^^^yeah but the brain is still not fully developed until 16. Does it cause I don't think so. Does it keep a few connections from forming? Probably and that's enough for me.
I think smoking anything would cause damage. Especially since they are still developing, if I remember correctly from health your brain doesn't stop developing until your 20's. But hell burning chicken releases carcinogens burning anything for that matter.

I agree on the medical thing though. Seizures and Autism. Shit I'd like to see a side by side study of kids with "ADD/ ADHD". Give 1/3 Ritalin and those stupid pills, another 1/3 cannabis (perhaps a sativa), and another 1/3 placebo. Completely unethical but would have interesting results I am sure.


Well-Known Member
When I was this age I was more concerned about how not to break my neck jumping my home made ramp with my buddy's schwinn.

The first ramp I ever made was plywood on top of cinder blocks, hahaha, it collapsed on the first attempt.


Well-Known Member
there has been a study on thc. if young rats were exposed to thc and put into a rat maze there balance and know how to find there way out was greatly decreased . basically they just wondered all over . and older rats it did not affect. this is after a large dose of thc was giving to them and days later the buzz wore off . a side affect . so basically im saying in stupid people terms like me lol . if you smoke it young you can for get about being a sports star . or having a healthy life style you will not be able to sit still . PEOPLE WILL KNOW SOME THING IS WRONG WITH YOU . when you get older. wonder if the cops will get a warrant and arrest there parents ? where they get the weed who grows it ? if they were older who cares but so young wow , they take it very seriously


Well-Known Member
When you are still at an age were you require a guardian then you are still developing, and have a weaker body and mind than an adult. For this reason children should not be allowed to take substances which could cause damage. Weed, cigs, booze, no go.. a little heroin in moderation is fine


Well-Known Member
That's not even in my head , about a 3rd grade student taking drugs or smoking drugs .
That is so wrong on so many levels , i started smoking cigs at 13 , then got onto dope by 14 ,
but grade 3 ? that means she is prob what 11 years old?
That is just wrong .
When i was crowing up , i was 15 at the time and i knew a 6 year old that was smoking cigs ,
Her perants must be happy ?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
The grammar in this thread is atrocious. It's no surprise many of you started at age 12 or 13. Just because you personally started smoking/drinking/fucking at age 13 or whatever does not mean it was an informed or correct decision. I would say 18 is a much more appropriate age. Your brain is mostly developed, and also you are an adult. You can get married, live on your own, or go to war for your country. If you can do those things then you are old enough to make your own choices about whether you want to do drugs or not.