Toad's Grow Part Duex


Active Member
My First grow attempt was a total epic failure..Here are the mistakes I made:wall:The first thing was I started with too many plants..smaller is better makes it easier to start out, it is cheaper to buy supplies and fewer plants mean more individualized attention. My new grow will have no more than 3 plants, and they will be grown at different stages:-P Until I get the science of growing down, all my seeds will be bagseeds that I have saved up over 2 years...once I got it down I will be getting the best seeds I can get for sure though..Second mistake I made was over medicating and over adjusting my plants with nutrients, and adjusing the ph too much..I solved this problem by buying a soil ph tester, it was cheap like 10 bucks too. I also bought a moisture meter because I was overwatering as well. I am using Shultz general liquid fertalizer..the mix is perfect 10-15-10 and all I will have to do is get my water ph to 6.5 and add 3 drops of shultz..I say keep it simple stupid aka the kiss principle. I know we are not supposed to transplant, but I will take the delay in growth so I can monitor my root ball and make sure it's right..again using bagseed here lol. My goal here is to learn and produce quality smoke eventually. I bought a book called "Marijuana Buds For Less" by SeeMoreBuds..that will be my main guide, along with this wonderful forum:lol: Now for the particulars of my "micro" grow..
I have one "bagseed beauty" plant..the first seed I planted was a dud..but my second seed has cracked and produced a taproot. I am using one 42 watt cfl and a 4 inch self watering pot. I put the seed straight in the soil, at 1/4 inch deep. I have the plant sitting 2 inches away from my light and the light is staying on for 24 hours until it pops thru the soil. When it pops thru the soil I will post pics and label my grow by days...In the mean time, wish me luck :bigjoint:


Active Member
My Little girl was "breached" I watered her in the soil too hard and she fell on her side so I had to gently un bury her with tweezers and re plant her at 1/4 of an inch...I am hoping she will be ok...I am also experimenting with using a plastic tupperare style cigarrette container and an old tshirt rag to germinate seeds..Here is my thinking on this..The ciggy container is black and air tight as long as it is opened periodically it can be kept warm by putting in a pocket on yer person:) This way as a human u are directly the incubater for your babies:) I will let everyone know how this works out, again, I am experimenting with bagseeds first lol


Active Member
Hi all..I finally got a single bagseed plant too sprout..I use grow coir cocunut soil..I also use shultz plant food, I got a ph of 7.0 and yea I bought a soil ph tester and 2 moisture meeters:) This is my true seedling:):weed:


Active Member
I wasn't able to post my pictures last night as well I was alot stoned:) So here are my day 1 and day 2 pics...I am real happy that one of my many bagseeds FINALLY sprouted hahaha. I am using grow coir and shultz liquid plant food. I have one 42 watt cfl with hood. I use a moisture meter and a soil ph tester, I find it just makes things easier. I place the plant one inch away from the cfl bulb, and since it is close to me, I am able to keep an eye on it. I also have 3 bagseeds in my incubator-germinator.. I am using a plastic snap tight cigarette container with a house sponge cut in half. I keep it in my pocket so it stays warm and periodically open the lid and check it. My goal is not to have anymore than 3 total plants in various stages so that I can give them individualized attention..As my grow progresses, will be adding pictures...Wish me luck:)



Active Member
Hi Gang,
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I have been having some health issues..After numerous trial and errors, this is what I have learned so far...
1.Germination- I use a plastic cigarette tupperware style container, and cut a cellulouse kitchen sponge to fit it. (Pics later on) This way I can carry it around in my pocket. I add enuff water to make it moist but not to where water is dripping off it. I usually put about 3 bagseeds in it at a time. Evidentally, it can take up to two weeks for them to germinate. I carry them around the house, in my pocket, so they are dark warm and moist. I check them 3 or 4 times a day for a good seed crack and a taproot..
2. Starting- Once it germinates, I add chlorine remover and vinagar to tap water, until I get a PH of around 6.6. I like to use 32 oz gatoraide bottles. Then I use a grow cube, I don't use the usual rock wool, I use a brand called "Sure to Grow" the 1.5 inch size. They look like the white batting you buy to stuff things kinda. They have a website if you are interested.
Anyways, I place one of these cubes in a plastic yougert container, and add 2 capfuls of water to soak the cube. Then I use tweezers to carefully remove the germinated seed and put it in the cube. That is as far as I have got with my second plant..
3. I use "grow coir" soil, basically, it is the ground coconut fiber stuff, and it works real good. I use shultz liquid fertalizer, 3 drops per 32 oz bottle, and I water my first plant as needed with my ph 6.6 water. I alternate waterings between fertalized and regular non-chlorinated water.
4. For lighting, right now since my plants are small, I use two 42 watt cfls with a clip on aluminum hood fixture. I leave the lights on for 24 hours unless, I need to leave the house, and then I put them in a dark closet to keep the cats away from them.:bigjoint: Well, that's all for now...if you have any input feel free to let me know, just please keep it on topic to my growbongsmilie


Active Member
Hey All,
I transplanted plant 1 to her new home a 22 oz cottage cheese container. I used a cheap old soldering iron to punch drainage holes in it:lol: Plant 2 is worrying me, the seed leaves are turning brown, maybe she is getting too much light for her tender young age...
I put a lid with holes on the yougert container she is started in, hopefully she pulls through...
Here are the pictures I promised from yesterday, any advice or comments would be HUGE:bigjoint:bongsmilie

