tobacco beetles!


Well-Known Member
Some fuck gave me two personal rolled 6x66 sticks he got from somewhere. Personal rolls are made while you watch in boutiques or carnivals or casinos.

I thanked the guy and, being that they were the size of baseball bats, i put them down-in two different coolers. I happened to open one up a few days ago and found several perfectly round holes in the wrappers of some sticks and a bb shaped thing with legs.

Shit. They could turn my entire collection into very expensive dust. Would be so bad if i had put noth of his smones on the same place.

I didnt. I fear i put one in my GOOD box.

Now i have to examine every stick, freeze every suspect box, slowly rewarm them and endure the occasional poop of roaststing beetle eggs when i smoke.

No, gifts go into the freezer first from now on. Already lost a handful, they look like bizzare piccolos.

You can actually see daylight through them. I feel so dirty. Like having cigar crabs or scabies



Well-Known Member
I just thought about it,and its a good thing you're not into cannabis like the rest of us..if you've got 200boxes of cigars,think about how much pot you'd have collected by now...;-)