Tobacco Smuggling Is Killing More People Than Illegal Drugs, Experts Claim


Well-Known Member
when will the leaders of the world wake up?
the answer is never because they make more money keeping it illegal also they dont give a shit how much people die

if cannabis became legal the public would have too much power and freedom

Edit: never is too harsh, it will obviously become legal eventually but people thought it was gonna become legal next year back in the 70's.

Edit: this post of mine seems too negative so ill shine some light on it, i personally think that 2012 will be the day cannabis becomes legal, or everyone who disapproves cannabis will be smited and everyone who is alive will legalize cannabis so either way its a victory for all of us.


Well-Known Member
kind of a stretch dont you think? 4000 people wouldnt die if they had to pay full price for smokes? those motherfuckers are addicted, theyll go without breakfast so they can have smokes for the day. the author of this obviously doesnt know any of those "lower-class" and smokes for breakfast every day.