Today's race


Well-Known Member
this thread went shit sandwich
I agree. These one way conversations with fools here can be trying for me :(

As long as the back and forth between Dab710 and I had went, with all of my effort to separate fantasy from reality, he still wants to take the simple assumption that a "bomb detonation" team training near by (exactly what they do 99% of the time) SOME HOW justifies his accusations that those same individuals are heinous murders. In particular with his latest OK reference, they murdered 168 members of their own community (friends and co workers) to include 19 children. Does this make sense to any reasonable person? Regardless, has this bullshit sold books and gained a cult following? Are these facts of the matter part of the problem or solution facing this country?



Well-Known Member
i know-

they want to look as fools while in the midst of their plot. it's ancient.

why wouldn't they. when i look up it's clear jets are spraying shit. does this hurt me? is it acknowledged? it's clear as fuck. a vietnam guy i know, who isn't clear to talk about any shit he did or saw, looks up and saws, "looks normal to me". not good lol.

now they say, the guy in the boat, didn't have a gun. but which is it? i watched the confrontation on live(?) tv. it sounded as if there was automatic weapon exchange. four hundred cops and a major city on lockdown for one guy with no gun? does this sound right Man?


Well-Known Member
now they say, the guy in the boat, didn't have a gun. but which is it? i watched the confrontation on live(?) tv. it sounded as if there was automatic weapon exchange. four hundred cops and a major city on lockdown for one guy with no gun? does this sound right Man?
No, it is not right brother. Although, clear incompetence of LEO and politicians is not hard to find ever. Your interpretation of such on the other hand ...

If you had followed my comments on other related threads, know that I am not psychic, just well educated in both class and field.


Well-Known Member
Let me share some personal experience with black/false flags through dialog.

Have I ever flown a black/false flag? Yes. Was my individual intent and motive well established? Yes. Was the reasoning behind such malicious, sinister or criminal? Not a chance!


True enough, but one must prioritize. Should we trust foolish mouth pieces like Alex Jones, Glenn Beck and Dab710 in your opinion? Is that a solution to the problem as you see it?
We obviously can't trust civilians like you who claim to have fought for liberty, but really are just closet fascists.
I love your grouping of individuals you currently despise.
Hopefully, I can raise the bar for your villains of despicable truth.

Are Glenn Beck & Alex Jones grouped together because this bombing being a false flag is the first thing they have ever agreed upon ?

You still never debunked anything from the last response, nor any other response I've made in reference to this matter.
There's a lot easier ways to settle into old age other than making snide comments behind your comfy little monitor.
Your words are wind :sleep:


Well-Known Member
Try developing (who, what, when, where, why and how) your claims, just one of your accusations here and now fucktard!?!

The fucking audacity you have to question my integrity and character is beyond the pail punk :!:

Have you reread this thread or looked into the definition of integrity yet fool?
