Tolerance break = Severe Nausea


Well-Known Member
I haven't smoked since yesterday and my stomach keeps tossing and turning. Even with an empty stomach, I keep feeling like I need to puke. It's awful.

Anyone else experience this? Happens every time I quit smoking.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you know, i guess that may be it.

I never have much of an appetite, though. It's a chore to eat breakfast (a chore I usually don't complete till around 3pm).

Maybe I'll start making smoothies or something that's easy to go down.

Or I'll just start smoking again.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I get them all the time early morning, take a good drink of water or milk and it's gone. I know other people this happens to and I've told them the same thing. Just cause your not stoned doesn't mean you can't eat! Happens to my dogs as well.

A nice drink to help flush, rehydrate and make your body happy is fresh squeezed lemon water. At my old place I would buy lemons by the 5lb bag and squeeze 1 lemon for every 2-3 glasses of water and drink just under a gallon of water a day. Sort of ruined pop and sugary drink for me as nothing taste as fresh. When you want sweet add the sugar. Wasn't trying to flush my body just liked the way I felt...

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Yeah sounds like it. make a list of what sounds good and go to the store. Soups, juices etc. Just remember some protein, fiber and water or you still won't feel balanced. Keep upping your intake and before you know it your appetite is back. Once your appetite is back you can start working out and you'll be surprised how easy the body turns a balanced diet into muscle. Balanced diet is key. (Took a Nutrition class fairly recently)


Well-Known Member
During medical treatments this summer I had extreme nausea. Needed to drink 2-3 liters of water every morning before treatment. Got to where I couldn't keep the water down. A real problem. Marinol worked for a short time, then didn't. Hadn't smoked since 85. Was gifted an assortment of buds/strains and Mj did it for me, instant nausea cure. Had an appetite too.
What I found was that coffee really upset my stomach. Tea was fine. And my diet, what I could tolerate, changed to real mild stuff that I liked. Oatmeal, banana's, toast, rice, rice milk. For me a combination of no coffee, mild food, and a whiff of weed cured the medically induced nausea. Drinking that much water first thing in the morning still sucked but I could do it. Also found I felt (more fluid), smoother, some way better, with that much water in my system. Getting some kind of calorie's in me for breakfast helped too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I appreciate the help. I'm pretty sure it's from my diet now that i think about it.

I generally drink lots of water (kidney stone sufferer), but eating breakfast when I wake up may be a good place to start.

Coffee may be fucking with me too but I hope not.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I appreciate the help. I'm pretty sure it's from my diet now that i think about it.

I generally drink lots of water (kidney stone sufferer), but eating breakfast when I wake up may be a good place to start.

Coffee may be fucking with me too but I hope not.
Hope not too but try one morning without and see.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Coffee may be fucking with me too but I hope not.
I did a paper on this and the only real information I found was that coffee blocks the absorption of vitamins. High caffeine of course would be bad for someone at risk for heart disease. And that light roast coffee is healthier than dark roast.

I make sure to take vitamins when I'm not drinking coffee and if you are on any medication maybe try to avoid taking with coffee.

I don't know how coffee affects the kidneys so you may want to look into that more.

Hope I helped. Feel better.


Well-Known Member
Definitely used to happen to me. After about 10 months of smoking, my body got used to the sudden stopping I guess and it stopped happening. When I stop now, my mood is very low, I have anxiety, and have no appetite or ambition to do anything. I just wanna sleep it off cause I know the side effects will go away sooner or later. But as of right now, I got some mango kush lol. Not bad but it's noticeably worse than the medical blue dream/bubblegum hybrid I had before that.


Well-Known Member
I haven't smoked since yesterday and my stomach keeps tossing and turning. Even with an empty stomach, I keep feeling like I need to puke. It's awful.

Anyone else experience this? Happens every time I quit smoking.

yep i had the same issue with mine. for days i thought i was going to puke when i woke up. eating something helps sometimes but not for the most part. i stopped smoking for exams and have been fine for a couple of days but its was like 5 days of non stop i wanna throw up. even when i tried to eat it was just muck in my mouth. it gets better. dont drink water first.

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
Also known as hunger pangs, hunger pains are feelings of discomfort deep in the stomach. Ahunger pain is often a low-grade discomfort that is just strong enough to notice. However, some people do experience hunger pains that are somewhat sharp and intermittent. There are several reasons why an individual may experience stomach hunger pain from time to time.The most common origin of hunger pains is the fact that the individual has not consumed food or drink for an extended period of time. Muscle contractions begin to occur when the stomach has been empty for several hours. As the contractions take place, the sensation may be somewhat unpleasant and interpreted as painful. When this is the reason behind thehunger pains, a quick snack is usually sufficient to eliminate the discomfort.People who tend to suffer with low blood sugar may experience hunger pains when glucoselevels begin to drop. The lack of a proper amount of glucose in the blood causes the stomach contractions to commence. Usually, the contractions are mild at first, but become increasingly stronger until the individual consumes something that provides the right type ofcarbohydrates to restore a safe glucose level.

Another possibility is that the stomach hunger pains have nothing to do with being hungry or experiencing a drop in blood glucose levels. The pain may be caused by some gastrointestinal disorder that is in the early stages. While the sensation is similar to that of plain old hunger pains, consuming food and drink does not make the discomfort go away. When this is the case, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Often, gastrointestinal disorders can be isolated and treated quickly if caught early.
Women who are currently pregnant may also experience hunger pains related to their condition. Pregnancy hunger pains may occur due to the shifting of the baby, causing pressure on the stomach muscles. There is also a chance that the mother is not ingesting the proper amount of nutrients to adequately nourish both the child and her body. In most cases, consuming foods that are high in nutritional content will easy the pains quickly. However, if eating does not cause the pains to subside, medical help should be sought as soon as possible.
While in most cases, hunger pangs are simply the body’s way of indicating it is time to eat and drink, the presence of constant hunger pains could be a sign of something more severe. Regardless of age or gender, a qualified physician should investigate frequent abdominal painhunger that does not seem to be satisfied with a normal diet.
