Tolerance Question?


So looking at taking a drug holiday to lower tolerance. How long would I need to go for if I'm smoking around a gram a day of high grade?


Well-Known Member
Usually depends from person to person, but I would say after a week your tolerance would be down significantly. Any longer than that would just help you out even more! I'm overdue for a tolerance break too my friend


Active Member
a week is normally all that i can handle, but with school being so intense lately I have had to take a two week break. I get to smoke this weekend though....
Try a week, and if that doesn't get you to the level you are looking for, take some more time off


Well-Known Member
never thought a bout abreak a good way to do it is flush you system.

take my three day challenge.

Get som niacin make sure its the kind that doesnt cause irritation and take like 3 pills when waking up and and like 3 more like 8 hours later. drink a shit load of water. im talking gallons a day. Make sure to piss a lot. After doing this for a couple days your system will be a lot cleaner than before and its like smokign for the first time all over agian. GOOgle how to pass a drug test with niacin as i dont remember all the details as i havent done this in over 4 years. but i used to do this when on probation and smoke during the weekends and cleam during the week just in cas the PO came to school to drop me. GOOd lucka nd i promise it works.