Tomb Raider

I thought it was an unfinished product. Countless glitches, the flame is 2 dimensional. Granted, it was neat for an unfinished game... but who really wants that?

It reminded me of lost planet 2, and army of two 3... both unfinished products.
So if I was was gonna buy a game, what's better...Tomb raider or the new Bioshock? I know both have shooting, but I'm not a major shooter fan, like exploration, story, puzzles etc
So if I was was gonna buy a game, what's better...Tomb raider or the new Bioshock? I know both have shooting, but I'm not a major shooter fan, like exploration, story, puzzles etc

TR, tons of exploration, its basically all1 big puzzle, and you can search artifacts and things like that, great story line too.
Hmmmm...may have to check it out. I loved the first TR on the original Playstation, after that the series just went downhill
Hmmmm...may have to check it out. I loved the first TR on the original Playstation, after that the series just went downhill

i know but this one makes up for it. like everyone ive talked to loves it. lol
Just picked it up today. Hehe don't really care about multiplayer in games. So far, I like it, but haven't gotten too far into it. The cutscenes almost seem Japanesy...I do see Square-Enix has their hand in it. I was kind of hoping for a more Uncharted-like fell, IMO that series are the best action games around. Buit this has stealth, exploring etc so I'm all about that
Just picked it up today. Hehe don't really care about multiplayer in games. So far, I like it, but haven't gotten too far into it. The cutscenes almost seem Japanesy...I do see Square-Enix has their hand in it. I was kind of hoping for a more Uncharted-like fell, IMO that series are the best action games around. Buit this has stealth, exploring etc so I'm all about that

i loved silent kills the most plus the bow was awesome I also loved looking for the archeology ect. By japanesey do you mean like anime like cut scenes? cause if so i never got that feeling but yes it is Asian/Oriental flare to the entire game because of what the story is about,