Well-Known Member
Playing this with my boy right now. Shits bad ass IMO, a must get.
Any tits???
So if I was was gonna buy a game, what's better...Tomb raider or the new Bioshock? I know both have shooting, but I'm not a major shooter fan, like exploration, story, puzzles etc
Hmmmm...may have to check it out. I loved the first TR on the original Playstation, after that the series just went downhill
Just picked it up today. Hehe don't really care about multiplayer in games. So far, I like it, but haven't gotten too far into it. The cutscenes almost seem Japanesy...I do see Square-Enix has their hand in it. I was kind of hoping for a more Uncharted-like fell, IMO that series are the best action games around. Buit this has stealth, exploring etc so I'm all about that