Tomorrow will be my 10th acid trip!


Well-Known Member
Have fun, I know you did and will continue ;-) In 2 years time, or there abouts, i did around 200+ hits, and the closest thing i ever had to a bad trip was the feeling the full moon was following me :eyesmoke: hehe... I liked to add some valium towards the end of the trip for the obvious reasons. We would take 2 then 4 then 6 then 8 etc, by the time we were done eating the sheet it was a week later lol and guess what? I am not crazy or brain damaged (well I do have crs disease but what 45 year old doesn't). The cool thing is I still see trails flip side is, I see them at night when I'm drinving too just like the real thing.
Be cool have fun, I know I did...
the more you know, the more you grow


Well-Known Member
Well I kind of expected...dubstep concert/rave on acid....not so good. I was with my boyfriend and I was dancing with him...just trying to enjoy the music but there were SO many people around. So many guys trying to touch me and stuff. I am a little girl. 4 foot 11 and 90 pounds so I felt a little helpless. Especially on acid, I get very weak. I can't pull away or resist very well. Just not a drug for a club...for me anyways. I had friends that went on acid and they enjoyed themselves very much. But it was too creepy for me. Too many personalities in one room. I would of been SO much happier in my room tripping at my house but I'm glad I went through the experience. :P
I don`t know what your hits are but I wouldn`t do LSD and especially 3 hits (no idea of potency here) for a dusbstep concert. Maybe some psytrance would be better? :) Only thing I an imagine with dubstep is mdma or a lot of weed & booze :)

IMO the sea is the material for tripping, so visual and so relaxing.


Well-Known Member
I love acid, and real good clean acid, all u need is. One hit, Avatar, but I agree, acid isn't a. Club drug,acid is spiritual sacrament to me, and if u don't. Respect it, it will make u regret it. So my advice is learn to tame the beast in the comfort of ur home with friends, b4 u. Go out to clubs and raves, but I sure do love acid and mdma @ a Pretty Lights concert!:clap:


Active Member
I don`t know what your hits are but I wouldn`t do LSD and especially 3 hits (no idea of potency here) for a dusbstep concert. Maybe some psytrance would be better? :) Only thing I an imagine with dubstep is mdma or a lot of weed & booze :)

IMO the sea is the material for tripping, so visual and so relaxing.

I knew there was a chance I wouldn't enjoy it as much but I just wanted to try. I ended up leaving anyways. Although my boyfriend was with me creepy guys in masks and shit were trying to grope me and get in my personal space. It just frightened me a little because I am so weak on acid, I can't pull away as easy. I was scared someone might snatch me up and there was nothing I could do. No one could hear me scream over that bass. Those were my thoughts. So I left and went home because I felt unsafe. :(


Well-Known Member
I like to look at LSD as a multi purpose drug. Its very user dependant so a lot of different things can be done on it. But IMO the more people there are around the more my LSD high converts (or I try and convert it) into an MDMA high therefore MDMA is the stuff to take when theres many people around, especially people I don`t know. Different chems for different purposes :)


Well-Known Member
Yea, agree! I always tell people. Acid is and can b, "whatever u want" :) good, or uncomfortable! No such thing as a bad trip, ur just not ready, is what I tell them! I think the reason its hard to b. Around. A lot of people on. Acid, is. Cause ur more tuned in to the subconscious and therefore, picking up on everyone's vibe on a much more intense level, and it takes time, and tripping to learn how to channel that flow!


Active Member
Yea, agree! I always tell people. Acid is and can b, "whatever u want" :) good, or uncomfortable! No such thing as a bad trip, ur just not ready, is what I tell them! I think the reason its hard to b. Around. A lot of people on. Acid, is. Cause ur more tuned in to the subconscious and therefore, picking up on everyone's vibe on a much more intense level, and it takes time, and tripping to learn how to channel that flow!
I havn't had a bad trip yet but I like to just stay at home and roll around in the grass with some good woodstock music, maybe swim in the pool. After I'm done with that I go into my room and whip out some light toys with some good music & give me and my tripping buddy a light show. Those are the best! I only like to trip by myself or with one other person. I plan out my trips days ahead just so anything doesn't go wrong. As soon as I felt a bad trip coming on I just went home. All those kids were rolling face and wanted to just fuck each other LOL at least that's what I was picking up. That trip made me realize that raves are NOT my thing hahaha. I'm def a woodstock girl.


Well-Known Member
I hear u, I don't like em that much either! Rather be in a small club, with a few people! Aww! Acid! Avatar blotter anyone??? Best acid, hands down


Active Member
Alot of the math I'm applying to this isn't adding up, but glad you had fun with Lucy. =)
Now I'm as confused at your confusion.....Let's do the math together.. 25 dollars for a sheet of 100 hits, that equals $.25 (25 cents, a quarter) PER HIT I sold them for 6 times that amount I paid or $1.50 per hit. I made a profit of $125 per sheet of 100. Not quite sure what is not adding up........


Well-Known Member
As you read in the title I am sure..tomorrow night will be my 10th acid trip. It will be at an Excision & Cookie Monsta dubstep concert. This is maybe my 4th night time trip so I am really excited for it. Usually I turn into this little hippie girl on acid. I take it in the day time and bring my Woodstock music outside and sink my soul into the Earth so tomorrow night is going to be quite the change for me. I usually take 3-4 hits at a time. Just wondering if anyone has ever taken acid at a concert and what their experience was?

Acid and I work very well together. I almost had a bad trip once but I can pull myself out very easily. I'm just hoping I enjoy all the lights and people. I suppose we will see! :D

Wow, could you share a hit or two with me?

I haven't tripped since the 'Memphis in May' concert back in 2006!!


Well-Known Member
I have/do all those things when I'm on acid. Just wanted to try something new. The trip went ok cause I left the place.
Trying something new? Let's see you can go hiking and camp in a small cave and trip in there (no caves that are high in elevation, for obvious reasons). Go outside and trip during a rain storm. Jumping on a trampoline is always fun. Or a personal favorite is to go in the middle of a wooded area around you, pick a great big tree, build a fire by it (not to close,ha) trip hard and act like an Indian and talk with the tree. Don't touch the fire I have touched an ember once and was scared of the fire for the rest of the trip after that, ha. Or (sorry for dragging on the post, there's just so many things you can do) have a mild trip and go to a public place and try to fit in with the others. It has to be a pretty weak trip, unless you are good with trips, because you don't want to attract attention. I have seen a guy get arrested on shrooms and he was crying and talking gibberish to the officers and nobody could understand him, sucks so don't do it.


Active Member
Trying something new? Let's see you can go hiking and camp in a small cave and trip in there (no caves that are high in elevation, for obvious reasons). Go outside and trip during a rain storm. Jumping on a trampoline is always fun. Or a personal favorite is to go in the middle of a wooded area around you, pick a great big tree, build a fire by it (not to close,ha) trip hard and act like an Indian and talk with the tree. Don't touch the fire I have touched an ember once and was scared of the fire for the rest of the trip after that, ha. Or (sorry for dragging on the post, there's just so many things you can do) have a mild trip and go to a public place and try to fit in with the others. It has to be a pretty weak trip, unless you are good with trips, because you don't want to attract attention. I have seen a guy get arrested on shrooms and he was crying and talking gibberish to the officers and nobody could understand him, sucks so don't do it.
LOL I would never do that. I am pretty good about not being noticed. I can keep it on the down low pretty easily. If I feel things going down hill I quickly find a solution before a problem begins if that makes any sense. Example: change locations. I love going out into the woods and such. I even tripped going tubing down a spring river once for 3 hours. That's where I encountered my first ALMOST bad trip but I just redirected my thoughts and everything was fine in 5 minutes. It was an awesome day.