$toney Montana's Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY grow


Well-Known Member
wussup MANE got my AK seeds the otha day but damn they didnt sprout in one day juss put them in there yesterday looks like it about to crack, lucky u man good seeds good yeild


Well-Known Member
i might end up hitchina ride on some of that NY City deiseI.
i Iove to internet shop for seeds , Iife is good..haha:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
heII, i'm down here by mexico, down here you Iearn two things , dont drink the water and dont smoke the pot.dirt weed.i dont smoke it . just crop my own.


Well-Known Member
I have some Super Sour Diesel Northern Lights, :blsmoke:
Yeah bro you got it all haha that sounds really nice ,let me know how it tastes we can compare strains in a few months

yeah im in nyc...that real deisel is the truth....real couchlock.
Do you think that this Soma NYCD is the real deal ?? have you heard ? It is the best one that I can find from a reputable company

heII, i'm down here by mexico, down here you Iearn two things , dont drink the water and dont smoke the pot.dirt weed.i dont smoke it . just crop my own.
And you are damn good at it to bro , Put them damn dirt weed farmers outta business down there so we can stop getting that garabage up here !!! BROWN ASS DITCH WEED !!! I am about to get a half of it in a few here hahaha


Well-Known Member
I forgot about my caption , I stuck the two seeds in the little containers tonight as they already had a cm little tap root ( kinda small) but with the cups on top will be growing well hopefully in 4 or 5 days ?????


Well-Known Member
, hopefully you have a couple holes poked in those cups. Humidity is good, but you still want them to get fresh air. 4-7 days I would say, with their vigor so far, 4 or five is about right, :). Looking really good.... little vegging incubators, aren't they great?


Well-Known Member
I will just open the tops every few hours, they are not air tight so it will be alright I think

, hopefully you have a couple holes poked in those cups. Humidity is good, but you still want them to get fresh air. 4-7 days I would say, with their vigor so far, 4 or five is about right, :). Looking really good.... little vegging incubators, aren't they great?


Well-Known Member
oh that cup thing is a good idea i need to try that i got some feminized seeds from one of my friends and we are tryin to see who can get more yield one of the seeds is 1/4 of an inch out so i am hoping that tomorrow it will show a little more the other 2 cracked so i might try doing the cup thing :)


Well-Known Member
I like the cups lololol
thats a great idea

i forgot about my caption , i stuck the two seeds in the little containers tonight as they already had a cm little tap root ( kinda small) but with the cups on top will be growing well hopefully in 4 or 5 days ?????


Well-Known Member
that is really all I care about is getting these babies above soil and after that I got this !!! Big giant wonder woman buds (the caption says up to a kilo per sq. ft.) and the Northern Lights x skunk is a super yielder to . That is the only reason why I bought these seeds. Big dank buds , And two clones off of each.


Well-Known Member
I am looking to get a strong mother , hope fully out of one of these two strains if not both as my blue berry is so hermified I am half thinking about tossing the clones and starting a fresh batch . The NYCD that everyone wants to see ??

yeah the two clones will keep your process never ending