$toney Montana's Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY grow


Well-Known Member
i don't Iike him anyway, he's a pothoIogicaI Iiar , aIways couId'nt stand him. ... seem Iike the rite candidate...haha


Well-Known Member
there are so many ppI on the internet and shit goin on to think , and ppI getting away with shit daiIy on the internet ,and to think they'de worry about the nations security for my major seed run, i dont see it. i'd be in jaiI Iong time ago.


Well-Known Member
haha man I was just feeling a little insecure with all the people dissappearring but mane sent me a pm last night so I guess all is well ?????? Fuck it.. on to more important things cause as I said I am not worried for me , but my friends !!!! Fuck IT , ya'll like my ladies or what ? I think seed production fucked my amounts big time but you live and learn ! Hermiing mothers !!! haha:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yea i know, but for indoor growing ,your aIot more accessabIe to hermes. than outside growing. you gotta keep your eye out on that shit no matter wat you grow.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha My next grow will be seedless no worries I am gonna spray that reverse right away and watch like a hawk !!!

yea i know, but for indoor growing ,your aIot more accessabIe to hermes. than outside growing. you gotta keep your eye out on that shit no matter wat you grow.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Way too go stoney! the friday update look great! makes me jealous and reminds me of why I joined this threat, blueberry lol. Those plants are looking beautiful! Is the blueish hue of colas in some of the pics because of lighting, or is it the actual color of the bud?

Good luck with your clones, if you keep them from herming, you will have some really really top grade bud from those!


Well-Known Member
Ya I could not resist so I picked a few lower buds off and dried them. They taste great blueberry is so apparant when you exhale your whole mouth tastes like fruity blueberry. This is day 44 so you can imagine day 56 ! That is when I am gonna start my flush reguardless of the trichs. But that is also two weeks away and alot can happen in two weeks. I am so impressed with the taste and high of this bud !!! YUM ! Anyways the overall color is still mostly white hairs probably 25 to 30% red hairs on all buds. Only aone plant shows that thick finished bud look though ? All the others still look really hairy and loose (eventhough they feel really solid) so hopefully these next two weeks will fill em in ??

dam man your buds are lookin dank ..... sorry i aint been in touch lately .... ive just been gettin to high
Thanks snoop , yours to bro ! Alot of time and effort about to go up in smoke !! haha:blsmoke: I understand about being to blazed !! keep growing !

Way too go stoney! the friday update look great! makes me jealous and reminds me of why I joined this threat, blueberry lol. Those plants are looking beautiful! Is the blueish hue of colas in some of the pics because of lighting, or is it the actual color of the bud?

Good luck with your clones, if you keep them from herming, you will have some really really top grade bud from those!
Ya I think that they are pretty dark green looking like on the bud leaves and maybe that is why they look blue , but I really do not know since I have not had them out of that room in a while since the buds are getting bigger and I do not want any breakage .
I think that the dutch master reverse will /should take care of the hermie problem on the clones so this next batch should yield alot more (hopefully ) sensi bud !!

Hope all is well? Havent seen the Dragon, You?
Naw bro he has been MIA for about a week now ??


Well-Known Member
haha man I was just feeling a little insecure with all the people dissappearring but mane sent me a pm last night so I guess all is well ??????
here's one back from missing in action. been distracted by the real world the last week or so. still growing but chatting has fallen down the priority list.

Ya I could not resist so I picked a few lower buds off and dried them. They taste great blueberry is so apparant when you exhale your whole mouth tastes like fruity blueberry. Only aone plant shows that thick finished bud look though ? All the others still look really hairy and loose (eventhough they feel really solid) so hopefully these next two weeks will fill em in ??
i took some early too and dried in the microwave - was the best tasting smoke i've ever had.

good luck with the rest of your grow.