Tonight is the Night

There are too many existential issues at stake,

That's true, but voting for either Trump or Biden won't address them.

A Biden vote will herald in a more totalitarian world.

Some people think Biden's going to try to pull an FDR, attempt to increase the number of Supreme Court justices ("justices"...smirk) to overturn the few remaining rights people have. He runs away from the question as fast as his 77 year old diapered ass can.

A Trump vote for some, might be a choice of "lesser evil". I don't ascribe to that, but I can see why some might think that way.
So if a rapist pets his dog, he's really an okay guy then ? Kamala Harris is thug, she stole parts of others lives, even when those others did nothing to harm another person. You can't refute that, otherwise you would have.
Just because you say stupid shit Roy doesn't make it true. There is a easy way to do this, go through every one of the cases she prosecuted and come up with a percentage that you deem her being a 'thug'. Because I am guessing the vast majority will actually turn out that the people she 'stole lives from' actually ended up 'stealing' a lot more from other people's lives.

But, but "white people" . Lol.
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That's true, but voting for either Trump or Biden won't address them.

A Biden vote will herald in a more totalitarian world.

Some people think Biden's going to try to pull an FDR, attempt to increase the number of Supreme Court justices ("justices"...smirk) to overturn the few remaining rights people have. He runs away from the question as fast as his 77 year old diapered ass can.

A Trump vote for some, might be a choice of "lesser evil". I don't ascribe to that, but I can see why some might think that way.

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So if a rapist pets his dog, he's really an okay guy then ? Kamala Harris is thug, she stole parts of others lives, even when those others did nothing to harm another person. You can't refute that, otherwise you would have.

But, but "white people" . Lol.

i bet she followed the law she was appointed to follow.
That's true, but voting for either Trump or Biden won't address them.

A Biden vote will herald in a more totalitarian world.

Some people think Biden's going to try to pull an FDR, attempt to increase the number of Supreme Court justices ("justices"...smirk) to overturn the few remaining rights people have. He runs away from the question as fast as his 77 year old diapered ass can.

A Trump vote for some, might be a choice of "lesser evil". I don't ascribe to that, but I can see why some might think that way.
This shit right here pisses me off to no end. The first medical grow license to sell here in Canada was given to an ex-cop. Have a dispensary in my town owned by an ex-cop. Cops are lobbying the union to remove cannabis from their drug test policy.

That is one of the reasons I run a grow, other than as a compassion club (free to the poor), I sell to a circle of friends for $140 an ounce of very good bud (why grow shit?), it pays the expenses of the grow and a little extra for oil in the winter. Government dope of the same potency costs around $15, gram, $420 for an ounce. I could easily charge more money to my friends, but would I really be a friend then?

I've got 4 beauties' in a green house in the back yard that are due for harvest soon, I take a break from indoor growing in July and august and use the back yard. You are legally allowed to gift 30 grams of pot in Canada and I give a lot away, much as actual gifts and some sold, those I sell to know they are supporting poor folks, some even offered to pay more.
i bet she followed the law she was appointed to follow.

Not to be argumentative, but (lol) I don't like when politicians or police use that excuse to oppress people. It reminds me of Nazi Germany and the whole "just following orders". I get the whole issue is nuanced, and this is not really comparable... but it aggravates me to no end. Sorry for going off topic. I know you guys are discussing something different here... I just thought we learned our lesson on this one.
That's true, but voting for either Trump or Biden won't address them.

A Biden vote will herald in a more totalitarian world.

Some people think Biden's going to try to pull an FDR, attempt to increase the number of Supreme Court justices ("justices"...smirk) to overturn the few remaining rights people have. He runs away from the question as fast as his 77 year old diapered ass can.

A Trump vote for some, might be a choice of "lesser evil". I don't ascribe to that, but I can see why some might think that way.
Why are you even commenting in the politics section? If you don't vote that's your business, but don't whine about the government you've got, you don't have a vote or an opinion, you checked out.
This shit right here pisses me off to no end. The first medical grow license to sell here in Canada was given to an ex-cop. Have a dispensary in my town owned by an ex-cop. Cops are lobbying the union to remove cannabis from their drug test policy.

The way to deal with these assholes is to run your own grow and sell to your circle of friends using traditional methods. The government made it profitable and greed should do the rest, nobody is looking or cares unless you open a dispensary and put up a sign. If you are not particularly greedy, do it for political reasons, the original idea was to take the profit out of the business and the feds tried, but the provinces are in charge and locally connected people backed with corporate cash got the grows. I'm determined to undercut and destroy their corrupt business model by giving it away and selling it for a fraction of the government price.
Not to be argumentative, but (lol) I don't like when politicians or police use that excuse to oppress people. It reminds me of Nazi Germany and the whole "just following orders". I get the whole issue is nuanced, and this is not really comparable... but it aggravates me to no end. Sorry for going off topic. I know you guys are discussing something different here... I just thought we learned our lesson on this one.

we're not privy to these cases and it's easy for us to second guess..let's focus on getting ourselves back by hiring a person who will send us tests, PPE and money so people can survive losing their jobs out of their don't have to like Biden this is a vote against Trumpy*. At some point i'm sure you will have the opportunity to vote her in or out. this is just splitting hairs considering the problems we have with King Klorox.
You implied following orders is a noble act, if the orders were "lawful". If the lawful order coincides with justice, that could be true.

Following legal, but unjust orders is a copout. Kamala was a cop and you cover her cop ass with a cop out.

Kamala Harris is and was a thug. She is a shameless conniving wanna be puppet / dictator. She will do the bidding of her overlords for personal gain, wait and see.

we have two choices and i'm voting against Trump*'s not for's for PPE, supplies, tests, contact tracing, extension of pandemic UI that i'm quite certain Biden will send..none of us did's all on Trump*.
That is one of the reasons I run a grow, other than as a compassion club (free to the poor), I sell to a circle of friends for $140 an ounce of very good bud (why grow shit?), it pays the expenses of the grow and a little extra for oil in the winter. Government dope of the same potency costs around $15, gram, $420 for an ounce. I could easily charge more money to my friends, but would I really be a friend then?

I've got 4 beauties' in a green house in the back yard that are due for harvest soon, I take a break from indoor growing in July and august and use the back yard. You are legally allowed to gift 30 grams of pot in Canada and I give a lot away, much as actual gifts and some sold, those I sell to know they are supporting poor folks, some even offered to pay more.

Nice homie! I give my excess away as well to friends and family and the good 'ol neighbor next door. I've wanted to donate my trim and excess as well to cancer patients (In honor of my Grandmother.) for them to make Rick Simpson's and such but I have no idea how to do that or where to look.

If you can direct me on that it would be much appreciated! I didn't think we could sell, only trade... how does this work?
You implied following orders is a noble act, if the orders were "lawful". If the lawful order coincides with justice, that could be true.

Following legal, but unjust orders is a copout.

Yes, I’m with you on this.

Kamala Harris is and was a thug. She is a shameless conniving wanna be puppet / dictator. She will do the bidding of her overlords for personal gain, wait and see.

I hope we get to see
Nice homie! I give my excess away as well to friends and family and the good 'ol neighbor next door. I've wanted to donate my trim and excess as well to cancer patients (In honor of my Grandmother.) for them to make Rick Simpson's and such but I have no idea how to do that or where to look.

If you can direct me on that it would be much appreciated! I didn't think we could sell, only trade... how does this work?
We can gift pot, I sell it illegally and do so both to pay for the grow ( I make lots on pension) and as political activism. Compassion clubs are local affairs and can be large formal organizations or small informal ones like mine, they are local, so you'll have to look around in your area. Overgrow the government.