Tonight live! "perseids 2009"

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
how many folks will be sitting in their lawnchairs tonight watching the Perseid Meteor Showers ? If you've got a good seat, it beats the shit outa just about anything you'll find on tv after 10 pm anyhow.

All you need is:
1) A decent view of the NE sky (left of the rising moon) out away from the city lights, preferrably on a hilltop (the meteors will be concentrated in the NE but can occur anywhere).
2) Lawnchair, blanket, car hood, or just lay in the grass with your Honey:eyesmoke::eyesmoke: (and get covered with TICKS, the little f#ckers are terrible this year)
3) Of course you'll also need some bowl-packing material, your favorite beverage, and some munchies.

For those of you who like to ponder your existence and place in the universe...

find a good spot
kick back
light up &


Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Well... last night officially sucked ass.
I saw 2 nice ones through a break in the clouds at about 11 pm, then it clouded over and hasn't cleared since.

Maybe tonight there will still be a few.