TonyGreen's Tortured Beans "Bubble Head" meets the Gavita LED's............

Coming back for the last entry, a smoke report and final weights..........

Weights first- OKC yielded 11+ oz from 3 plants.

The Bubble Head yield 93 oz from 21 plants.

So total is 104 oz off of 24 plants. I got over 4 oz a plant from both strains. The density on both these helped a lot. I couldn't be more pleased overall.

Smoke reports:

1. Bubble Head- I'm more of a sativa or sativa hybrid guy these days, thats my preference, so naturally I'm gravitating towards the B.H. I don't smoke anymore, well I didn't until this crop came in. For health reasons, I literally do a vape bag once for each strain a crop and thats all- I want to be be able to talk intelligently to friends about the effects. It's been literally years since I was a daily smoker. For about a week now, I've been smoking the BH nightly. LOL It's just so damn good. I should have let it go to 11 weeks, on average I was at about 72-73 days but still, it's great. Longer times would have brought out more sour. Still, the sour comes thru, even while vaping, and the head buzz is quick and long lasting and it's just wonderful. It's not racey at all, just a strong "head in the vice" buzz. It's just enjoyable, I really like smoking this one! Again, hours and hours later after smoking, I'm still carrying a nice buzz around.

2. Orange Kush Cake- I've smoked this a couple of times, very late at night before bed. I wouldn't say it's overly potent, but it's a nice, mellow body melt buzz that does the job well. No particular flavors come thru in vaping, and the smells don't stand out per se, but it has outstanding bag appeal, the buds look great and are very dense. Everything is coated with a nice coating of resin. Again, not my cup of tea, but people who like indica's have emailed me back with some very positive notes. The 4+ oz a plant was a surprise, this only enhances my opinion. It grew taller than the B.H., but all in all, both strains were easy to grow, I had no issues throughout the grow, and I made my numbers so I couldn't be more pleased.

About 60+ oz have gone on to visit others, and other than a few seeds in the B.H. here and there (I've found 6-7 at this point), both strains held up well in the summer heat and humidity. My crops always turn out better in the fall/winter, as the room temps are lower- but I don't think either strain missed a beat this time.

A Thug Roze diary has been started and I'll do more with that as the plants grow larger in veg. See you over there. Thanks everyone!
Interesting, I have a cop who used to live behind me before his divorce, and I used to carry the bags out the sliding back door in the basement. Until I saw him watching me spread the dirt around. Now, I carry them up and out the front door, and do it away from prying eyes. All my neighbors are cops, Homeland Security, etc., but we’re a small community and most are very cool and friendly. Certain crops the smell carries all the way down my driveway (I have 1.2 acres) and things have been said to me- basically be more careful and don’t grow smelly kushes and such (lol). The bags remain in the basement as of now, just don’t feel like dealing with it yet in the rain..........
Last post in this thread. First I’ll assure, all the bags have been carried outside and the dirt has been spread around the yard. My next thread, Thug Roze, is up and running if you want to follow along.

The real reason I’m back is to discuss the Bubble Head for the last time. Tonight I got my 2nd “best sativa I ever smoked” from a friend and customer. Here’s the lowdown:

There’s really 2 main pheno’s, an early one done around 68-70 days, the later one is best 77-80 days. The early one first:

1. taken between 68-70 days, about 60-65% of the plants fall in the category. A friend described it as a sugar cookie without the sweetness, if that makes sense. People these days care alot about taste, smell and quick onset. I’ll describe it as this, “once you open the bag, you KNOW it’s good pot”. It comes on quick, lasts for hours and hours, is not racey or jittery, smokes great, tastes great and probably looks better than 92% of the pot out there these days. It was easy to grow, I got over 4 oz a plant that were kept short, easy as pie to grow with no issues- with the 3 OKC plants yielding 11 oz, that means 21 plants yielded 93 oz. No bull either. I haven’t smoked in about 4 years, other than a hit or two every 4 months. My health won’t allow it. Guess what? I’ve been vaping this every day since it was dry enough to burn. I still get fucked up every time, and I smoke from different plants each time. The big discussion going on right now is which is better, the Orange Gasm or Bubble Head?

2. The later pheno should have been left to go longer. I went to 72-73 days with these plants. I should have gone longer, plain and simple. But all is not a lost. They didn’t smell or taste as nice as the early pheno, and the high doesn’t last anywhere as long. But it is a 45 minute sativa rush, like the strain C99- everything is in triple time. Life speed up, but not racey- an enjoyable ride while it lasts.

Tony Green knows what he has here, a great breeding strain that imparts its best to other strains in a hybrid. High yield, a very pleasant but a strong sativa leaning buzz, easy to grow and maintain……it only gets the highest marks all around. I’ve been smoking it day and night- it’s wonderful! As to which is better between the Gasm and Bubble, Bubble is stronger but Gasm tastes and smokes better. Solid A smoke.
Only one place has them in stock I believe and I will email it to you…….I don’t want it out there since they will sell out.
There is no secrets...there are plenty of packs left by just scanning quickly I think there is one more place too...or you can order another TG strain and get them as a freebie 5 or 10 pack depending where ya look
Reg’s And fem’s......... just a few weeks ago there was only one place to buy them and it wasn’t Great Lakes per Tony in another of my threads on another site. He must be catching up with his deliveries. Bottom line though, you can’t go wrong with these.

I don’t think you want the plain gorilla bubble bx5 either. Look for the BubbleHead or “G”......... both which use these as the father but not the mother.
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Reg’s And fem’s......... just a few weeks ago there was only one place to buy them and it wasn’t Great Lakes per Tony in another of my threads on another site. He must be catching up with his deliveries. Bottom line though, you can’t go wrong with these.

I don’t think you want the plain gorilla bubble bx5 either. Look for the BubbleHead or “G”......... both which use these as the father but not the mother.
You are DEFINITELY cannot go wrong with these...
Oh I see...I did list GorillaBubble BX5.....we are specifically talking BH... BubbleHead BX5...I agree is great across the board, checks all the marks, stoney as hell...I love mine.
I am unfortunately trying to stay within my limits so I had to let them go to someone...I have probably 20 or 30 left from the freebie packs on the BOGOs.
Starting the G Units as soon as I fix the gnat problem in the veg room!
Got two SOWAH PTGs and two STAT Lines going too
Tony specifically mentions the Bubblehead and G for great yields and full expression of the Gorilla Bubble in his thread over at Overgrow. He actually asked permission to use some of my pic’s I posted there of the BubbleHead. All of Tony’s stuff is great, I just lean towards heavy yielders too and this gets high yield marks too.
Killer thread as always @SSHZ been watching your stuff for years and you never dissapoint. Love it, was looking for a bubblehead thread and was stoked to see yours as I love the detail and specifics you get into. Keep up the amazing work my friend, much respect