Too Dry, Can you fix it?

I recently bought some weed, but i think is too dry. When i go to roll a J with it, i can never get the weed to take shape. I suspect this is because its too dry, but im not really sure. If so, is there anything i can do do fix it. Sorry im a total noob:-(


Well-Known Member
you could put it in a jar with an orange peel or a slice of potato if you want to rehydrate it.try over night and see if there is a difference. keep in the dark naturally.


Well-Known Member
If you are going to throw fruit into your stash, i would suggest a piece of peeled carrot. Take it out after 24 hours.


Active Member
crumble and mix with some tobacco - should make it easier to roll n you won't have to light it up every toke


Well-Known Member
I use orange peel and it works VERY well. You could also just add some hash to the mix. That always helps it stay lit for me when the bud is a little dry.


Active Member
^^ lol not everyone has some hash layin around. that would be the shit though. but orange peels always worked for me too rehydrate, and makes it taste good too.


Well-Known Member
and if u dont wanna use anything like potatoes or carrots or orange/apples.. you can always just stick in in a jar (baby food jar.. empty jelly jar.. peanut butter container.. etc..) and cut a small piece of a napkin.. like the 2 quarters side by side and wet the piece of napkin and stick it underneath the cover of the jar. that always worked for me. wen i harvested my 1st plants i overdried them.. and had to do this to re-moisten them all.

**No matter what method u use... MAKE SURE TO CHECK YOUR BUDS EVERY 3-5 HOURS TO MAKE SURE THE BUDS DONT GET TOO MOIST!!** they can get too moist and mold pretty quickly if you forget about them.. just a warning.. good luck. adn let us know how it goes..


Well-Known Member
^^ lol not everyone has some hash layin around. that would be the shit though. but orange peels always worked for me too rehydrate, and makes it taste good too.
I always forget that, lol!
In my part of the world, hash is almost as easy to get as cigarettes!


Well-Known Member
small jar and use your warm breath to fill the jar several'll see the moisture from your breath.... If my ish gets dried out...I GRIND, then give like 1 minute worth of humid breath over the buds.... does the trick every time...


Well-Known Member
Yep everyone uses my same methods haha. Just don't leave the orange, potato, carrot or w/e in there too long cause it can get moldy. You might notice a little flavor change with the orange. You could try a Q-tip or little piece of cotton moistened with a bit of water if you like the taste of the strain.
Yup plain water s the way to moisten your buds if u r smoking shwag then a piece of fruit will prob improve the taste but...


Active Member
damn people good idea with the orange peel...i have used that on occ. with my drum rolling tobbacco...alas ive never bought weed too dry I couldnt roll it. Thats Crazy Man