too dry to hang....


Active Member
so... hang drying doesnt work well where I am because it dries too quickly.

I poked a bunch of holes in some really thick paper and lined the inside of a few glass jars.
put the buds in.... and leave the top about 50% covering the top...

I'm taking the buds out daily to air out...

....will this work?

redeye jedi88

Active Member
whats your humidity and temp of your dry room? have you tried hanging plant whole, i find it hard to believe you can dry a plant in a day


Well-Known Member
Are you in 0% humidity :)? The humidity in my grow room (where I hang my harvests) is about 30% and it takes 4-5 days typically. Do you have too much air movement where you dry?

You could always hang them, then put them in jars when they feel dry on the outside. Make sure to get a hygrometer to measure humidity in your jars. If the humidity is above 60-62%, keep the jars open for a while each day to allow them to dry gradually. Move the buds around to so they get exposure to the air. Once you achieve 60-62% with a sealed jar, you should be good to go. Its not the best method, but it will work.


Active Member
It's dark 65F and about 15% RH...the air is very still

I work with a we split the buds when we chop and dry our stash ourselves..
I have all the little ones in one jar and the bigger ones in a second jar.

I've heard of locals hanging theirs and putting a plastic bag around it (holes poked for breathing)
but in the end..that seems the same as a jar with paper in it and the lid off....I'm going for a very slooooow least a week hopefully...


Active Member
yeah...maybe.... there's actually no power going to the room...
I was hoping to reach the desired humidity and temp inside the jars....
I mean...if a 10x10 ft space with the right variables will dry them out correctly.
wouldnt a 3"x3" space with the same variables work?


Well-Known Member
Hmm, the plastic bag will probably work rather well in your conditions, but I bet putting them in a box with strips of paper or in a paper bag (hard to find) with holes will be even better. That way you get some moisture containment and they won't dry out too fast. I don't think you will get enough air into the jars if you start with that right away.


Well-Known Member
The buds arnt dry just the leaves, yes just keep putting in a plastic container with tight lid when they feel crispy ,in about a week you will have 'wicked' all the water from the stems.


Well-Known Member
Just remembered, I had company over one week and could not let a harvest dry the typical way because it would have been too dry before I could get to it. I lined a box with strips of paper on the bottom, then the plant (yes the whole thing) and then a few more layers of paper. I got a good dry at 7 days instead of 4-5. Just my personal experience.


Well-Known Member
The best tester is yourself. Put it in jars, not paper bags unless you are drying a pound or so. I alternate leaving the top off and on.When you think it is done, smoke a bud and that will tell you everything you want to know. Peace