too early for a + b????


Active Member
Started a crop of 18 blueberry last monday, currently got them under 1 600w hps light in 10ltr pots. Now theyv bin potted a week now and usually i would start usin my nutes no matter what but i usually grow santa maria and i know blueberry is a very tempermental plant. So 14 are looking good and growing well , while 2 are growing slowly and 2 havnt grown atall. So will i be ok puttin the 4 that are not doin so good on the nutes , i use coca a + b . usually start at 5ml of each and work my way up to 40ml per 10ltr of water within a week , week and a half. or should i leave them on water and see how they go while feeding the healthier plants the nutes???


Active Member
i dont know about that, id be expectin 12 ounce off four plants and thats too much for me to stomach loosing, ill post some pics later.

Greenscreen how long do you reckon i should keep feeding them water, if theres no signs of growth???

also cheers for the quick responses lads its much appreciated


Well-Known Member
it depends on what soil you are using, is it preloaded with nutes like miracle grow?
or is it like a pro-mix type soil-less?
pics would help very much

dank nug

Active Member
im saying really watered down nutes ftw here. risk it for a biscuit lol. unless like greenscreen was saying the soil was already pre-loaded


what kind of blueberry is it?

i am guessing that you're growing in coco? What are you growing in?

Either way, my experience with blueberry is to start the nutes very dilluted like dank nug says.

dank nug

Active Member
ooh im right im right im right. if you give them nutes and they negatively effect the plants it was his idea ^


Active Member
i think its afghan blues but i cant be sure the guys round here are very unreliable when it comes to cuttings to be honest, growing in canna coco soil and using canna a + b, think im just gunna give em all 5ml of a + b in 10ltrs of water tonight and see how it goes, cant find the lead for my phone so ill have to wait for the missus before i post some pics, but ill take one now and one tommorow and be sure to post em up for further assistant.

once again cheers lads