Too Early & Too Big, Need Advice

Man, I go away for a weekend and this is what I come back to. Thinking it's aphids? From what I gathered I took 1000ml spray bottle and mixed in 1 tbs of Palmolive and sprayed them down. Not sure if it will work but it anyone can advise I'd greatly appreciate it. Also, don't know how often i should be doing this and how much i should be applying. Or is something else better to be used?


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Geez sorry to see that man. I use pyrethrin Spray ( dr doom ) when not in flower if I am under attack by insects, it’s the same shit they spray food produce with. Yes it is toxic but it degrades very quickly in the sun and washes off In the rain. I wish you the best man. I also was surprised to see something burrowing in my stem and feeding on it this past weekend.AEC00FEA-7DC8-4F01-9989-C89D2299FB8E.jpeg
I second the motion to spray with pyrethrin when not in flower — they make it from chrysanthemums, so it’s a biopesticide. By the time your buds are ready, the pesticide will be gone and hopefully so will the pests.
Those are Cannabis Aphids, originally native to Asia, and the little bastards can fly. I had them on my plants last year and again this year. Predators showed up and ate them. Ladybugs and their larvae. Here is a digital microscope photo we took for ID, at first I thought they were soybean aphids but they are not. I’m reading that they travel around on cuts with the rec industry. 26B92AF9-321D-4336-98E5-9BD7143EE35B.jpeg
Spray them down with a hose. If you start putting shit on your plant the predators won’t hang around. The aphids are gaining pesticide resistance. I seen a couple threads on thcfarmer where they sprayed but the aphids population rebounded.
These guys (ladybug larvae) are just going to town on my plants right now. Let nature take its course.

A couple drops each of rosemary oil and dishsoap in water will kill them, so will an epsom salt/water mixture.

Hose them off, or use a spray bottle. Don’t spray shit on your leaves if its sunny. Find a couple lady bugs in your yard and toss them on the plants. I’m just monitoring the situation I think nature will sort it.
Just my thoughts on this, you have some tanks already and they are going to get bigger. Falling into a treatment regime just means extra work. I would never pay for bugs, but it makes sense if they are absent from your environment.

Did you know, that chemical fertilizers and specifically nitrate as a nitrogen source affect the plant’s growth through weaker cell walls, etc. which means that bugs have an easier time eating them? They will prey on plants grown this way, just because its easier.

Bugs of all types are vectors for disease, because they put holes in your plant for fungi and virus to enter.
Honestly I just need these things to die and go away so will do whatever it takes, hoping the Ladybugs make some babies and they help the cause
They are in the environment now. You could wipe them out with chemicals but they will be back.
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Spray them down with a hose. If you start putting shit on your plant the predators won’t hang around. The aphids are gaining pesticide resistance. I seen a couple threads on thcfarmer where they sprayed but the aphids population rebounded.
That’s a valid point. I have sprayed inside plants but usually let the natural predators sort things out outdoors. It helps if you have a variety of plantlife around.
Does anyone know what this means?!


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Does anyone know what this means?!
That means they are done pinch them off. From what I can see of the plant it is healthy. Close to nute limit. Watch for clawing or tip burn. Mature shade leaves die off on the bottoms of plants. Don't stress. If it spreads you need some help.
That means they are done pinch them off. From what I can see of the plant it is healthy. Close to nute limit. Watch for clawing or tip burn. Mature shade leaves die off on the bottoms of plants. Don't stress. If it spreads you need some help.
Yeah it's moving up the plant, I'm thinking it might be a deficiency, I give the about a 5 gallon feeding ever other day using the general hydro chart. Wondering if its not enough water / nutrients


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That view changes things. Flush that with 6.0 tap water. Mix 1tsp fish emulsion, 1/4 tsp epsoms salt and a qt of water. Mist the plant 2 days in a row. Dump spray bottle. No good after 48 hrs. Cut your feed strength by about 100 PPM and use 6.2 - 6.4 water to get back on track. And it could use more water. After it bounces back use 6.4 - 6.8 tap water to water and feed. Contrary to popular opinion. But it grows nice plants here.
Stem borers can cause what looks like a mysterious deficiency before fucking up your whole plant. I was dealing with it alot on my flowering plants in early summer thinking my nutes were bad before I finally found some tiny 1mm bore holes in my stems, some of the holes actually heal over and you have to scrap the stem a bit to expose it and the fuckers are still alive inside your plant.

Just a tip, if you have been on point with your feeding but can seem to beat a deficiency. There are several different stem boring insects that affect cannabis.