Too hot days screwed me BAD HELP!!!


Do you think the one is dead? I'm pissed because they are the first seeds I bought and they are joint dr lowrider/diesel so I wasted money I dont even have!


I learned that ventilation is very important!!!! The fans in the one pic are newly added all i used was one cpu fan on exhaust. Does anyone know if that one is dead?


I water one every three or four days.. i stick my finger in to make sure the soil is dry before I give them water... Should i keep that middle one in there to see if it comes back? keep in my they are autos.


Undercover Mod
They only need a shot glass of water every day or so. They are real small so they use little water. To much will slow growth and might kill them.


Well-Known Member
ive been getting my ass kicked by hot days here over the past week. getting almost up to 100 in my grow tent for 4 or 5 hours when the light first turns on. its a stressfull situation. still to earlie here to put in an AC it will cool back down next week.


Well-Known Member
DuDe!!!!!!! Read the bag of soil, it clearly reads "FOR FLOWERING PLANTS" right under potting soil kinda hard to read on the small pic. which your plants are not. your plants are a long way from what you need to do is, go buy some fox farm ocean forrest soil, and put them in that, they will thank you for it later....


I think there are doing better noticed some new healthy growth today when I woke up. I solved the temp problem and gave them some fresh air. There are autos so they will be flowering in a week so i think ill just keep them in that soil because i have to order fox farm from ebay. I still have 4 more seeds so I think the next batch will be way better. In memory of the one in the middle that will never come back to life i put her in a blunt and smoked my mistake.


Active Member
I don't think those will be flowering in a week. They look a little small for 2 weeks also, what type of lighting are you using, and also did you add nutes to those plants, because that looks like nute burn more than a heat issue.


Active Member
DuDe!!!!!!! Read the bag of soil, it clearly reads "FOR FLOWERING PLANTS" right under potting soil kinda hard to read on the small pic. which your plants are not. your plants are a long way from what you need to do is, go buy some fox farm ocean forrest soil, and put them in that, they will thank you for it later....
Last time I checked, marijuana produces a Flower... ??? your logic is wrong in what it means.


on monday they are going to be in their third week. I use three clamp reflectors hanging with Y adapters in them. They are all 26watt 4 are daylight spectrum and the other 2 the yellow ones for flowering. I don't shut the door ont he plants anymore and they seem to be really enjoying it. I gave them some root juice back in the first week early on other than that no nutes have been given to them.

I also was under the understanding that autos flower around the third week regardless of the conditions. If I had a choice I would let them veg for a little bit longer!