too late for seedlings.? or will i still yield?

outdoor master

Well-Known Member
Ok i just popped like 35 bag seed.

they just put out there first little primary leaves

Do o u think i can pull of a oz per each plant since its still june, they will prolly flower till oct.

Thoughts on size of plant?



Active Member
I have started as late as June 21st and have still yielded up to 2ounces of dried buds, but it all depends on where you live and how long warm weather stays around.


Active Member
that is a good question, i just started my plants too n i new to this, so i was wondering the same thing..thx..

outdoor master

Well-Known Member
ok good to know.

Im hopping for like 15-16 females, and about an oz or more, so that will be a POUND!!!!!!

hmmm time to get serious with these lil bitches


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah... I grow outside up to Dec. and I'm way north... no problem starting seedlings now.. yield is more up to the strain and your grow knowledge...but anywhere from an oz up should be easy.... Luck.


Well-Known Member
This gets asked A LOT...

Bro, it ain't too late.

You'll lose yield because of the loss of veg growth, but you'll still grow fine.