Too late to germinate seeds?


Ok, so is it too late to germinate seeds? (southern US.) I want to make sure that I will have enough time for everything.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Don't think he quite understands growing.

Other than germinating seeds once the sun rise and set is months into the "12/12" period, there is no too late, all it means is that the plant get's less time to veg.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Don't think he quite understands growing.

Other than germinating seeds once the sun rise and set is months into the "12/12" period, there is no too late, all it means is that the plant get's less time to veg.
This may only be one problem!
I joined RIU to help.
But you have to know how to ask first.
I hope I can help those who want help.
Been growing since the 60's and thought it was time to give back some.
Hope I can be of some help here!


Well-Known Member
Perfect time assuming you are clear of any freezes. The days are just now getting long enough to matter anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the South too bro... Some of my fellow Southern ganja-grower friends have recently put out some indoor-started seedlings outdoors in a few areas, and other than a mild transplant shock, they have perced right up, and r doing great... It is definately NOT too late to get some seeds germ'd and put em out, if u r growing outside, which by your post, I am guessing this is the case... And if u decide to set up indoors, itz NEVER too late to start some beanz... We still have a long time for good vegetative growth before Sept and Oct, wherein the days will become shorter, and the nights will become longer, triggering them into flowering, although if u do some research on light deprivation methods, you can successfully induce flowering, any time they get to the size you will want them to be in veg, (keeping in mind they will grow 25-50% larger overall when they begin flowering), and it would help keep them camo'd with the other vegetation around them isntead of letting mother nature determine when they flower, staying green, while the surrounding native vegetation would likely be turning to their fall colors, making them easily noticable... Glad to see others joining our ranks in my region, that is so often misunderstood, misreprestnted, and underappreciated for our contributions to the movement... We ar not just adept at growing cotton and soybeans in the South! Itz not anything new either, as there are many generations of cannabis growers down here, just as ther are in the Northeast, and of course out there in the wild, wild West... Itz always refreshing to see others joining in the fight to out grow big bro, especially in the still closed-minded, and often slow-moving South! We r getting there, slowly but surely, as far as our Draconian-laws go, but we have always grown some of the finest ganja around, despite what laws have been in place, and although some folks can't take the oppressive heat, cannabis can, and does thrive in it, and there r just as many indoor growers as there r outdoor growers in the South as well... Good luck... And might I recommend u getting a copy of Ed Rosenthal's 25th Edition Marijuana Grower's Handbook? Itz one of the best tools any grower, whether inexperienced or experienced, can have in their "arsenal" of cannabis knowledge... And picking up an issue of High TImes from time to time, or every month, as I have done for years isn't a bad idea, either...


Well-Known Member
Man, no need for any apologies or shame... We ALL started from some point and I'm sure we all sucked when we first started... I know I did. And with time, research, dedication, and comitment to learning from places like RIU, and other sources like books and magazines(like H.T.), you will pick things up quickly, and see vast improvments with each successive grow...
Sorry, new grower. I have researched a lot, but very little on outdoor growing :/.