Too Late to put clones outside: NY

I have 4 barney's 8 ball kush clones, I can put them outside in a few days, but is it too late??? Also would they still be ready to harvest in early October?? Or if u put them out late like I am do they take longer to finish ??


Well-Known Member
They will be ready to harvest at the same time. They have potential to yield 1/4 pound each if the roots have the room and good soil to grow in. Also nutes, watering, and overall environment have an effect on yield. But I would throw them in the ground or decent sized pots (10 gallons+) as soon as possible. Good luck.
They will be ready to harvest at the same time. They have potential to yield 1/4 pound each if the roots have the room and good soil to grow in. Also nutes, watering, and overall environment have an effect on yield. But I would throw them in the ground or decent sized pots (10 gallons+) as soon as possible. Good luck.

Ok If I put them in the ground now the veg period is gonna be only about 1 month. What type of cheap soil due u recommend ??? After that Im gonna feed it with fox farm big bloom only.


Well-Known Member
Not at all my man. I think you can still get a decent yield off the clones. This is my baby started from seed outdoors in a month in upstate new york. So you should have a nice stealthy sized plant that will satisfy you.

My One Month Plant From Seed (Upstate NY)


Active Member
Yea definitely plant them out. At this time grabbing a big old pot would work well also.
I am in NY and also have one 8 ball kush outside. She was the only one out of 4 I liked from the 8 b kushs I grew out. Here is a pic in case you are interested.DSC03842.JPG



Well-Known Member
I use kelloggs patio plus. Not sure if it is available over there. If not you can just buy peat moss bale, perlite, and compost.
Mix at 1 part each. Add one cup of dolomite lime per cubic foot of soil. Maybe add 1/4 to 1/2 cup bone meal (cheap) per cubic foot since they are going to head into flower soon anyways. Good luck