Too many colas?


Well-Known Member
So this is my second grow. Veg under 270 watts of LED adding 600 watt HPS in flower, 4x4x6 Secret Jardin tent. Now, I have been working on a plant for a couple months now( training, cropping, topping) and have created a fairly bushy plant, 24" at her widest and 9" tall. She was found growing on a curb in a McDonalds parking lot (hence the name Kirby) so I have no idea what strain she is. My question, should I put a screen over her for flowering or should she be fine without it? Here she is.
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Well-Known Member
If thats the only plant going under a 600, i think you'll be fine. You've already trained it. I do think a screen would help hold branches up though. She will probably put on some weight sucking up that 600 by herself lol


Well-Known Member
My apologies, I didn't share my full grow info, I also have a Cotton Candy Kush and two Jillybeans that will flower with her. Im trying to keep everything as short as possible, but now I have plants that are two feet wide and under a foot tall. I feel my tent is going to be crowded.


Well-Known Member
Clone some lower branches.. Flower one clone out to determine sex keep the rest going.. Maybe you have stumbled upon something.
Best of luck


Well-Known Member
I have two clones already cut. She is definitely a she. Definitive female preflowers.