too many lumens??...


Well-Known Member
Scrog. Wicked method. Look it up on youtube and see how it's done properly though. A lot of it, particularly hard-pruning lower leaves contradicts other things you may have learnt but you have to go with it and do it properly for it to work.
2 computer fans just won't cut it on a 400w grow. You need a proper inline fan and filter.
Supernova or super plants? On the Lumens line of thought. Please let me know if I should start a new thread.

I picked up a 250W dimmable Lumatek for $89 ( pchydro) to start a stealth scrog - about 2x2x3H or at max 30"x36"x36H due to under bench limitation - height is hard constrained. I am also (I know) interested in Sativas. Just got that Phresh 4x12, 250w ballast etc in. Don't have fan yet - looking at the TD-100 series. Probably cool tube.

That all seemed to jive for alot of research here on SCROG so I think I've done a lot of my homework.

Just picked up a fire-sale priced grow-set - and mostly due to price - 600W dimmable Lumatek, agromax bulbs, hood, stuff. Half as some suggested 400W might still be good for that space - sq foot wise - even if perhaps past the bio-efficiency point for Lumens.I can come out even or ahead parting any of this out due to the deals - so for this line of thought it doesn't matter either way - nothing lost - perhaps something gained.

So I am wondering whether to just run the bigger light/ballast - at 400 (dimmed) or 600 (supernova?) or run both ballasts (perhaps dimmed or supernova) to get better light spread across the short but widerish area? And get some HID in with the HPS? 125+400? 250+400? 250 +600 ;)

Cooling is interesting. I can't have screamers all the time - housemates will wonder why I'm leaving A/C or other fans on in the garage if they hear much fan noise. hence silenced TDs in quiet boxes - but even that has a limit in a 3 car garage for being "quiet enough". That kinda says "400 max". In the winter, however, the garage is unheated and can get to 40s - so having hot lighting options - even if used only in winter - could help as long as I didn't light burn the plants.

Would higher lumens help (?) keep the Stativas even a little shorter? If we call it 30x30x36H with all these options - what would you do?
If you are converting a wardrobe i would consider not using a high watt lamp defo not 400w or 600w your set up is safe but if its on fire you might burn your house down. If its a walk in you might get away with 400w but i would tell you through exp, add gypsum plaster boards fire resistant ones blast a 4" hole through the wall for air con get hold of anti surge sockets or extentions both is better supply shop should be able to sort you out with a good one set up for lighting hope some of this shit is helpful


If you are converting a wardrobe i would consider not using a high watt lamp defo not 400w or 600w your set up is safe but if its on fire you might burn your house down. If its a walk in you might get away with 400w but i would tell you through exp, add gypsum plaster boards fire resistant ones blast a 4" hole through the wall for air con get hold of anti surge sockets or extentions both is better supply shop should be able to sort you out with a good one set up for lighting hope some of this shit is helpful
I'm assuming your talkin To Me... I'm Not converting anything I'm using mdf sheets And 2x2s For a frame... gunna line It In mylar...