too mind wind, or am i just being paranoid, i have pics! please see .


Active Member
so i had a problem that im sure all cabnet growers have had . where to put the fan ?
when your tight on space its a little hard to find somewhere for the fan .
i bascialy screwed it into the back board and have it blowing from the top of the plants down .. ? youll see in my pics .
but now i have it on the minimum setting and the plants swing ans swey alot in the wind . i have one plant which is tal but skinny . trying to thicken the stem onit , the fan almsot blew it over it was leaning on its side . ?
im just wondering if the wind is too much ? what promblems can it cause ?
and has any body had about or more wind then i have?
its a 9in ossocilating fan.
i put a bit of plastic on the screen just next to the plant on the top you will see it in my pics . ? is this okay ? and will it affect the amount of light getting to my plant.
it prevents major wind from hitting my smallest plant .



Well-Known Member
You don't want the wind blowing down on them. Side to side is the best. You have got to have a breeze somehow, otherwise your stems will be small and weak and the weight of the buds will pull them over. Do you have room to put the fan on top of a bucket or something?


Active Member
You don't want the wind blowing down on them. Side to side is the best. You have got to have a breeze somehow, otherwise your stems will be small and weak and the weight of the buds will pull them over. Do you have room to put the fan on top of a bucket or something?
nope .. i might be able to put it on my screen but then i might block out ligh to the some of the leaves on the side


Active Member
set air down to up i saw your fan on top.Or like he said side to side is much much better for circulation.


Active Member
set air down to up i saw your fan on top.Or like he said side to side is much much better for circulation.
ive got the fan raised on two bricks next to put pots .. the fan blows at the pots but there is still a breeze that hits the plants .. if its directly at the plants i feel it is too much of a breeze as it looks a bit harsh on the plants


Active Member
You could buy a smaller fan that is better suited to your needs..
havent really got the money for a new fan so i just raised it on two bricks . its circulates the air from side to side the fans aimed at the pots but still some breeze hits the plants .