Too much Light

Gavita says its 1700e is a direct replacement for a 1000w HID. The Gavita is 645w, and about 1780umol. They advertise 1700, but testing has shown it to be a bit more.

A 1000w Hortilux HPS bulb is 1881umol. And they lose 10% output the first month, and then stabilize. That would make the Hortilux roughly 1700umol after it stabilizes.

To make it simple I just go by what Gavita says. I like that Gavita doesnt overinflate their light coverage of the LED. Most companies that use this many watts, and umol state their lights are good for at least a 5 x 5 area in flowering Inflating the coverage area by 20%-25%.

The Gavita at 645w means a 4 x 4 area needs 40.w sq/ft to equal the best HID bulbs.

Top equal a 600w HID, one would roughly need 387w. For a 3 x 3 area.

This is also assuming one is using the Samsung Diodes.
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