Too much light?


Active Member
-Growing indoors
-Watering when top two inches of soil is dry
-Started in Miracle grow moisture control, realized that was a mistake, transplanted to foxfarms ocean forest with some dolomite lime
-380 watts real LED over a 2x5' area
-2.5-3 weeks old

Note: Yellow is showing up as white on my camera

-Leaves dying from tips
-Leaf veins yellow
-Tar spot? on one leaf
Wont even absorb light from camera, it's actually mostly yellow with much worse dying from the tips as shown in previous picture but also much smaller
New growth coming in yellow, bottom leaves dying from tips in
This one actually has a tip thats got a yellow vein and curved to the side on the top
this last one was much more yellow but I'm not sure if it's improved due to the transplant or because I moved it a bit farther from the light


Active Member
when you say the leaf margin is yellow i think thats mg issue there an could be the reason for the yellow leafs.


Active Member
I thought magnesium was responsible for yellowing between the veins while the veins stay green, in this instance the veins are turning yellow and then it's spreading from there to affect almost the entire leaf. This is accompanied by other leaves browning and dying at the tips.


Well-Known Member
I've got the same issue but those babies should come out of it. I hate seedlings!! Over watering is usually the problem with these young plants IMHO.

BTW my seedlings are under 2 - T5's, not much light there and one of mine looks like your #2 pix.


Active Member
Well in all fairness I did water until runoff yesterday and today my pH/light/moisture meter is reading off the charts still on moisture content.

Also, pH varies from 6.5-4.5 depending on how deep I stick the probes into the soil with the pH dropping the deeper the probes go. This is despite watering with water that has an alkalinity of like 230ppm and ~50ppm Ca and ~15ppm Mg (lots of bicarbonate buffer).

You sure this is normal? I took some better pics and it really looks like there is some serious lockout going on. Ignore the whitish glossy covering on the leaves it's just buildup from the magnesium sulfate/chelated iron foliar feeding I've been giving them since this morning to try and counter act what looks like some hard core chlorosis.

The black spot on the one plant I think was just like a picture "phosphorous lockout due to low temps" except I'm trending the temperature in the tent and it's been between 70 and 80F (LED's don't output any heat my ass). Also one plant as soon as it sprouted was showing signs of calcium deficiency on it's first two true leaves.

I'm thinking this FFOF soil is junk? I don't know how over watering a little could be causing all these problems..unless too much water = too much time released nutes = possible toxicity in some nutrients and lockout in the rest due to low pH from excess available nutrients lowering the soils pH..oh yeah, soil is easier than hydro...suuuuure.

Looking at this pH availability chart I'm guessing that the problem isn't with iron but probably sulfur and magnesium as well as NPK.

So do I just stop watering until the soil is almost bone dry or can I put some powdered pH up in the soil or what?




Well-Known Member
Fox Farm soil isn't bad but it's got some nutes added and can be hard on babies. I start them in my little hair pots then put them in a bigger pot when I see roots coming out of the bottom. I use FF Light Warrior without any added nutes for the first 2-3 weeks. If they look a little yellow I don't mind since they're just getting their roots established. You can see the out line of the 3" starter pot centered in a 6" pot. That soil in the 6" pots is FF OF or a similar soil (RootsO) for a slight veg time. I start adding slight cal/mag and N. @ quarter doses if I see a problem but usually try to do as little as possible. Note the funky leaves near the soil, it came out of it. 1plt.jpg 2plt.jpg Your pots look to be too big, the small root system can't suck up the water fast enough so they drown do to lack of oxygen. I just transplanted a skunkberry this morning that was root bound but I had to wait since I wasn't sure it was female until now (yay). Pix 3 shows the size of the plant that was in the 6" pot before transplanting today. I put the little empty pot next to show it wasn't that big of a jump in pot size. plt3.jpg I hope this helped a little. Not sure what you can do to improve what's already happened but maybe someone has an idea how to fix your babies.

Left to right: Coletrain, Cannatonic, OG18 x Super Lemon Haze. Background is a flowering THC Bomb X EmDog.