Too Much Rain? Help

i just recently transplanted outdoors, and now it looks like we are having rain for the next 5 or so days... its already rained for 2 in a row this is 7 days of rain in a row and i just barely transplanted. will they survive? they are only about a half foot tall on their 4 or 5th set of leaves. is there anything i can do to help?


Well-Known Member
if you think it's going to rain to much then prevent them from getting rained on and let them stay outside
ok so like trash bags or something? with holes in them.... they have to stay outside obviously thats their new home now. is lots of rain a risk when they are this young? or could they be fine without any intervention.


Well-Known Member
Just keep them from getting flooded. Trash bags would work, you do want light though.
Shouldn't be that hard, they're still pretty small.


Well-Known Member
I think some tomato cages and some white kitchen trash bags over the top, and your golden. Just make sure to leave an opening on the bottom for ventilation.
Duuude, live in FL & it wasnt raining super hard but for some reason the rain drops were unusually thick! lol so damn, i went to go check on me sprout. leaves were somewhat soaked and droopy. made a tile-tent and put it over it. suns out now :) s'all good.
ok thx for replies i dont have any white bags so black trash bags will have to do i already have tomato cages on this so i will just put over the top of those and hope i can get out before the sun comes back lol


Active Member
ok thx for replies i dont have any white bags so black trash bags will have to do i already have tomato cages on this so i will just put over the top of those and hope i can get out before the sun comes back lol
Dude, go to wal mart or someplace similar. They will give you those little white bags for free. they will be more than enough to cover your plants and they are transparent and should let a little light through. Sorry to hear about your plants. Was just posting about putting seedlings out too early. Your thread proves my point. Though I am sure you should be ok due to you growing them inside for a while. Good luck.
weird i ended up using wal mart bags i already had instead =P but i hope they are ok one of them looks completely fine doesnt even have droopy leaves, the other two i screwed up a little bit transplanting and damaged the roots a bit so i was worried about them anyways. they are looking pretty droopy right now =( but i set up a tent basically with the wal mart bags ill go check them on tuesday or wednesday supposed to rain straight thru til then and then itl cut back to just showers for a few days.


Active Member
Natural Plant, Comes from nature , the strongest shall survive i lost 3 to animals because idid not plot properly but you will be fine , especially if you planted in the earth in a good soil thats not to much clay that might cause flooding, Check on them if you see pools of water around them then you might want to improve drainage if digging them up is not an option at this point divert the water, If there is not water pooling , Do not worry they will be fine, if its anything like we have had here over the last week or so with sun and wind with no rain then its a much needed water, You never know next week may bring record heat and sun then your mint ;) just remember to check them for good drainage that is the only main concern , Trust me its a long 5-6 months they will have worse weather to survive.


Well-Known Member
You could stand over plants with umbrella. Seriously they will be fine if in soil that drains well, actually it will do them them good, better than drought.