Too Much Trim in My Freezer


Well-Known Member
So got any suggestions??? I always bag my trim up wet and freeze it. right now i have at least a dozen shopping bags full of trim in the freezer.
I only used a couple bags a long time ago to make butter and it was far too potent. It was great! I boiled the leaves to remove the chlorophyll, let it heat for 36 hrs. They were amazing IMO...
In these parts it's not often you get a pot brownie that doesn't taste like pot. These things were so potent that i gave a friend about a 2 inch square piece before i tried them and she thought i spiked it with something.
woooooaahh .... high and rambling.
I'd like to give hash a try. how much trim would i need for a decent amont of hash. or have i already fucked the trichs up by freezing it.
Bubble buckets??? Tincture, Oils... I'm just looking for suggestions sorry for the vagueness of the post. I wish i had a better estimate on the weight of leaf i had but i'd imagine it would be about 1/2 lb probably more... maybe alot more wet....
reps for any help ....pardon the rambling..
MK Ultra did it to me
Ive read on other threads you could expect around 10% return of weight, which would be a nice chunk of hash! Someone could correct me, but the frozen trichs should still be fine! Also, check out the gumby method for hash making on youtube.


Active Member
many people freeze dry their trim before using it to make oil, bho, iso, cwh, tincture, or butter.

everyone's opinion varies. and personally i prefer cwh (cold water hash).

the return for cwh is about 10% of the dry material used. however if you run the trim 2-3 times through the set of cwh bags you can get up to about 15-20% return depending on how many trichs are on your trim.

any way you go about it, it will be a process....

if you want to make cwh youll have to order some cwh extraction bags ( i ordered the 5 bag 5 gallon kit from and they work great for 80$)

if you want to make bho, (butane hash oil) tiy will have to either fabricate an extractor preferably out of 1 inch copper pipe with threaded endcaps and a hole in one end to insert the tip of a butane gas can.

if you want to make iso (iospropyl rubbing alcohol) best to use 99% alcohol, place trim and alcohol into a jar shake for about 1 minute and strain the material through a coffee filter into a pyrex dish, and after it dries you scrape your dish with a razor blade.

if you want to make tincture youll have to get some 151 proof or higher (rum or vodka) and place your trim into a mason jar, cover your material with the alcohol, place the jar in a VERY dark space somewhere in your home, room temperature. shake it EVERY DAY, after about 8 weeks you will be able to sererate the alcohol from the trim and have a wonderful tincture that you can add to your drink or drop directly onto your tongue. there is also a faster way to do this and it is called the "GREEN DRAGON METHOD" this involves boiling the alcohol and trim filled jars in a pot of water on your stove which can be just as dangerous as making bho.

you seem to already have a gameplan for making Canna butter. and cooking oil is the same except you use..... OIL!

im sure you can get more detailed explanations on this forum site if you look for them.


Well-Known Member
thanks man ... this is all info i could've found on the internet ... just didn't know what to do since i had soo much. I haven't tried making hash yet. I've been looking to get some bubblebags. or perhaps maybe try iso hash. I dunno. I appreciate the response though. Like i said.... the trim is literally taking up my freezer and freaking me out.
We all never want to think of getting busted. But if that day ever came. I wouldn't want a stupid fucking charge for having loaded bags of trim that cops mistake for actual ganja.
good shit my man...... rep


Active Member
i would look up the "fast" and easy ways to make any of the extracts i explained above and make a small batch of each, test, compare, and go big with your fav!

happy extracting :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah get some bubble bags and make hash. there are a bunch of you tube videos on how to make it, but don't use a hand held cake mixer!!! just mix it with a wooden spoon. it gets exhausting but it is much better quality. when I make it it I usually run it through 3 to 4 times. then if you want you can still make butter out the same trimmings. its a time consuming process but its worth it! good luck.