Too much water?? check out the pics!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys....i've got her on a drip system obviously and i run it 4 times a day for 15 minutes...she is a little over 4 weeks but you can see some of the new foliage looks droopy. Could this have anything to do with me topping 2 days ago and pruning a few lower branches, or is it too much water??



Active Member
Could be water coz the leaves seem quite "full/plump". Are u monitoring pH levels and ppm of your nutrient solution? Also water temperature levels and fluctuations can interfere. Doubt it would have anything to do with topping/pruning. They look quite healthy actually but some leaves are very slightly curled at tips. Hope this helps..



Well-Known Member
Is there rockwool under the Hydroton? If so i would say only water 1 or 2 times a day and for only 5 mins each time.


Well-Known Member
I've been keeping pH between 5.8-6.0 changing water every 6 days. The ppm last time I changed it was 987 with pH 5.86. Don't monitor temp of the water, I just use my brita filter out of the sink so its room temp typically. As for the other growing media, there is a very miniscule amount of grodon grow cubes that I raised her in for the first 2 weeks before transport into the hydroton. Could those leaf tips curling have anything to do with a Mg deficiency? I'm using Flora grow/micro/bloom, dyna pro-tekt, diamond nectar, floralicious grow, and liquid light as a foliar spray. I've just been following that feeding plan chart that came with the Flora fertilizers. Thanks for the input..this is my first harvest and I only have 1 baby...gotta keep her healthy! Here is a pic of the roots last week, they look pretty healthy i'd say (have an air stone on them now since they sit in the reservoir)...a week before that there was only one little sprout comin down



Well-Known Member
How tall should i let this beast get before i switch her to 12/12? I think im goin to switch the watering schedule to 10 minutes 4 times a day, dark period is 11pm-4am so its getting water once while sleeping.... that shouldn't over water her should it?


Active Member
Sounds to be ok like that. Have you considered leaving your lights on 24hrs while the plant is in veg? It's more economical that way. I've found that when i left the lights on permanently during veg the plants grew faster.

As far as when to flower.. Depending on what it is you're growing there, sativa or indica, you should allow for a double to triple increase in plant size/height through the flowering phase. How big a space do you have?


Well-Known Member
I have about 18" of width with 9' ceilings. Its a bit warm in there right now which is one reason im not doing 24/7 lights, give it some time to cool off until the outside temp starts to drop. I've diluted the water to about 800ppm and have been using Dutchmaster liquid light and it seems to be doing awesome, you can see all the new growth in 2 days...I was thinkin about letting her get to about 18"-20" before I start to flower her, and as for the strain she is supposedly pure ak-47 straight from amsterdam, but who knows, have you or anyone seen an early ak plant?



Active Member
That rate of growth is impressive! What intensity are those CFL's u have there? Must be quite bright to get such dense compact growth.. Looking extremely healthy though. Nice work.

I'd say 18-20" is a suitable height to let her get before flowering. You should see some impressive results! Keep it up. Have you considered pruning techniques?


Well-Known Member
I have 3 5000k multi spectrum 105 watts on top (tube style) and 2 6500k 105 watts on each side (spirals) about 525watts of fluoro going, when she gets a little bit taller I may add 2 more 105's on each for the pruning, i have taken a couple of small branches off the bottem and topped it, but I will prob wait until about 3 weeks into flowering to start pruning away some of the unnecessary stuff at the bottem and anything covering up bud sites, is that a suitable technique? If i had any experience pruning I would prob go ahead and do it, bc u can see from these new pics that she is super thick and i cant even see the main stem even if i push foliage out of the way...that dutchmaster liquid light spray has really increased growth rate...i was thinkin of flowering her in about a week or 2, u think she will be ready??



Active Member
I would say that technique is suitable. That amount of light will be more then enough. What is that Dutchmaster spray? Where can i read up on it?

A week or 2 should be cool. Lean towards going 2weeks. Remember she'll still gain height before producing flowers. Looking good man, i am keen to see what results you achieve :weed:



Well-Known Member
The foliar spray is called dutch master liquid increases the photosynthesis rate by 60%, so basically it is making my lighting system 60% more effective which would be important for anyone using CFL's i would think..ill keep posting pics as she gets bigger


Well-Known Member
hey hows those looking are they done ny pics of those babies flowered? you grew what seems to be the beggining of an awsome plant my friend. great job. im dying to see more ics. i love this stuff.

by the way is that one of those funky grow machines?


Active Member
I doubt it would be too much water. I have Rain Forest Eco Grower and Ive consistently have ran it 24 hrs a day on the drip system with no problems at all. Some people say you shouldn't but this is just my personal experience. Its worked well for me.