Too Much Water Or Not Enough?


Well-Known Member
So I went to my veg and my partner forgot to turn the water off. My veg sits in tables the table was completely full of water so he just let the plants sit in the water. I went down and took the plants that started to look like they were being over watered. But today when I went down I saw a couple of plants look like the hadnt been watered in days but the soil was completely wet. The question is can an extremely over watered plant have the same look as a plant that hast been watered? should I transplant them into something bigger would that help bring them back??


Well-Known Member
The question is can an extremely over watered plant have the same look as a plant that hast been watered? should I transplant them into something bigger would that help bring them back??
the answer, yes, are you talking hydro or soil ?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
pics would help. I put my potted plants in sitting water in my guerilla grows cause I don't visit them everyday and no problems there. they just use up the water when they need it and when I come back to vist, I do the same thing over again. alot of people I know do this. never had problems.


Well-Known Member
pics would help. I put my potted plants in sitting water in my guerilla grows cause I don't visit them everyday and no problems there. they just use up the water when they need it and when I come back to vist, I do the same thing over again. alot of people I know do this. never had problems.

I have seen that too but usually with big 10 gal pots not 6 inch ones

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I have seen that too but usually with big 10 gal pots not 6 inch ones
you can do it in any size pot. I certainly don't run ten gallon pots. if your plants are big enough, they drink water fast. if they are small seedlings, they aint gonna be sucking much water. go take some pics


Well-Known Member
you can do it in any size pot. I certainly don't run ten gallon pots. if your plants are big enough, they drink water fast. if they are small seedlings, they aint gonna be sucking much water. go take some pics
I cant I don't know how to post pics. But the plant that started to droop severly was still in the table of water thats why i was thinkin it was over watered


Well-Known Member
As long as your root are getting adequate amount of O₂ they should be fine, but if they look like they have not been watered and the soil is wet they most likely do not have enough O₂. The easy fix is let the soil dry out.



Well-Known Member
As long as your root are getting adequate amount of O₂ they should be fine, but if they look like they have not been watered and the soil is wet they most likely do not have enough O₂. The easy fix is let the soil dry out.

so basically they are drowning being in that much water for that long


Well-Known Member
so basically they are drowning being in that much water for that long
you got it, the roots have been oxygen deprived, MJ REALLY likes to breath (roots too !)
If you've got good root balls pop them out of their pots and set them on dry newspaper to draw out the water.
They'll prpbably recover in time.


Well-Known Member
you got it, the roots have been oxygen deprived, MJ REALLY likes to breath (roots too !)
If you've got good root balls pop them out of their pots and set them on dry newspaper to draw out the water.
They'll prpbably recover in time.
I don't feel i have a strong root system when I looked at it. so what if i just repotted in a bigger pot?


Active Member
time to move them to bigger pots if the roots are good, when my roots got to the bottom i changed them with no problems, and that would help dry out your half flooded soil


Active Member
just move them so they can breathe, if u want to post pics, just post a new thread and click on attachments u should be able to figure out the rest :joint:


The problem with overwatering is that there is not sufficient air available to the root zone.. Best growth is achieved by allowing the medium to dry out *to an extent* between waterings.