Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop


Well-Known Member
I do believe I heard SPOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What a gorgeous day! High of 79 today with low humidity! In August!!! This never happens! Thankful for small blessings!


Well-Known Member
Hazelnut coffee and the left over roach from last night. I miss my gram so I'm using condensed milk for my creamer. Old school farmer style. lol


Well-Known Member
I do believe I heard SPOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What a gorgeous day! High of 79 today with low humidity! In August!!! This never happens! Thankful for small blessings!
i hear ya last nite I got to open my doors and cool garden down, my feet almost got cold. Def a blessing in August.


Well-Known Member
Hey I noticed the recipes that make those fancy creamers always include sweetened condensed milk! You could just add a couple ingredients in there and it be just like those in the fridge section at the store! I miss my grannie too, now and always. She made everything from scratch, had the most gigantic meringue on her pies and I think she added a little sugar to damned near everything!

Just put the dogs out in their new fenced in area and we are all a bunch of happy campers today. It is going to be a high of 78 I think today and it feels like spring outside its so cool and sweet! What a nice break from rain or oppressive heat!

Todays coffee is starbucks vanilla, having a morning bake with my private stock BB and sitting on the screened porch listening to birds singing and watching my dogs act a fool.

I love to cook and pretty much do so on a daily basis. I've been reading with great interest the edibles section here and find the crockpot budder interesting. Anyone recommend it?

When we were in Amsterdam we bought a shit ton of spacecakes from Paradox and Basjoe and honestly I felt nothing. So I am finding the recipes interesting and learning a lot from reading that section. I would like to make something that actually gave me a buzz instead of just calories. I find that anything with sugar in it usually makes me lose my buzz such as drinks/desserts with sugar. What is a good way to use the budder without it being in a dessert?



Well-Known Member
After 25 years of mr coffee drip coffee makers we went back in time and bought a percolator, electric not stove top(I mean really retro is cool but lets not revert to the late cambrian age). No clock, timer, beeps or presets not even a light to tell you it's done perking, you know it's done when it stops making that noise, which reminds me of MY grandma, farmers wife(which translates to great cook because farmers wives feed the crew during haying season, man when she was done laying out vittles I swear the table would groan from the weight.) Reminds me of sunrise in the summer when it's all quiet and cool before we fired up the combine and started baling alfalfa.


New Member
Good morning all. My name is Kiz and I thought I'd stop lurking and introduce myself. I enjoy the chill atmosphere of your shop and plan on stopping by more often. Have beautiful day!



Well-Known Member
Good morning all. My name is Kiz and I thought I'd stop lurking and introduce myself. I enjoy the chill atmosphere of your shop and plan on stopping by more often. Have beautiful day!

and a very good selection for us Kizka. thanks and welcome!:peace:


Well-Known Member
I hate it when I somehow hit one magical button somewhere on this damned keyboard that erases a whole frigging paragraph I just typed. I hope I can recall it to type it again so here goes.

James you took me back to Grannies house in my mind. The counters and table sagging with weight of the food (I love the word vittles). My parents had their own agendas, they divorced when I was 8 and I usually was pawned off on either my grandparents or my aunt & uncle a great deal of the time.

My aunt and uncle moved in their home in 1945. They kept a garden and froze or canned all their vegetables so it was rare they bought anything like that at the grocery store.

I liked visiting them cause I could earn money doing chores like stringing green beans or shucking corn they had grown. I could mow the grass with this crazy early lawn mowing contraption that had swirling blades and no motor. I learned to work for things at an early age with them and their fridge and home was open to me my whole life. I inherited that old place that was built in 1920.

Visiting my grandparents meant I had my own section of their quite enormous garden. They too, grew everything they ate. There wasn't much expense at the grocery store when they had to go. They had a chicken house where I gathered fresh delicious brown eggs every day. I can remember riding thru my grannies old farm house with a pink easter chicken riding on my tricycle handlebars! They had fruit trees galore, peach, green apple, and plum. There were blackberries, muscadines and grapes. Even a section with rhubarb that grannie made fried pies from that tasted just like peaches. They had a huge garden and I got to plant my own little section. I had my own strawberry patch and grew cherry tomatoes. I was expected to tend to it each time I was there. I sat on a tiny little rusty milking stool and he would sit on an old milk crate and he would listen to how my week was going or what song I liked to hear on the radio. He played the fiddle at square dances each weekend and was a carpenter during the week. Could build and make anything with his hands. Drove a gigantic old white buick and stopped faithfully to see me every single day to bring me coca cola in the small glass bottles and a brownie or snowball cake. My grannie could cook anything without recipes and did everything from scratch like pie crusts and cakes. Her motto was "Get you some more baby!" as you went around the table filling your plate sky high with incredible food. She cooked white beans on an old coal stove in the winter there were the best thing I ever ate in my life with a big old chunk of buttermilk cornbread.

Grand daddy was a bee keeper. This means you had a big old chunk of honeycomb/honey in a jar on the table every day. Sheer heaven, wild flower honey....

They raised a calf each year and took it to be slaughtered for the beef and would buy a hog and process it themselves each winter. There was a smokehouse with the best freaking smoked hams and meats. There is nothing like fresh cracklins and pork skins rendered off the lard when cooking it all down in a giant black kettle.

There was no running water. You pumped your water on the back porch from a cistern which was supplied by a well. You took baths in a giant wash tub that ALL the water was heated on the coal stove in winter and the cook stove in summer. There was an out house out back where you did your business and I got stung on the ass several times in my childhood.

They all taught me how to live off the land. That you really can be self reliant and do it all yourself without depending on a grocery for supplies. I spent my whole early life growing plants and flowers with them and it prepared me later on to be the gardener I am today. I was quite successful on my first try with my secret garden cause they taught me the basics.

Grand daddy died of lung cancer in 75 after too many KOOL nonfilter cigs. Soon after my dad renovated Grannie's kitchen and put her in a real bathroom. She enjoyed all these new modern upgrades for about 2 years. The state decided to put in a new highway and they paid her for her home and destroyed it. I cannot tell you how I felt watching all those memories go away....

But they still live on with me in my mind. Grannie died in 2011 and I still miss her like she just left yesterday. She was my hero in so many ways. A beautiful human being.

Thanks for reading, I enjoyed my few moments of what I call my little "mind movies" and remember the best parts of my childhood....

peace and love...

Grandpa tell me bout the good old days



Well-Known Member
Good morning all. My name is Kiz and I thought I'd stop lurking and introduce myself. I enjoy the chill atmosphere of your shop and plan on stopping by more often. Have beautiful day!

Welcome, stop in anytime night or day, coffee shop stays open 24 hours a day so relax and hang a while. You are amongst friends...

Love me some Mavis Staples so you already got started on the right path here for sho!

Glad to meet you....


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;-SxXRkq4BzA][/video] Hey everyone! Chillin with my cup of black Columbian and some tasty trainwreck buds . A little bluegrass for you fine folks :)


Well-Known Member
And some Cheese. Love this song when im cruisin around across the country :) [video=youtube;glyU3LYL-y8][/video]


Well-Known Member
Hempy :

Music City Roots is a fabulous venue its in a renovated barn, and the Loveless Cafe beside it is hands down some of the best southern food around. They also smoke some of the best dang pork bbq and chicken ever!



Well-Known Member
Lest we get too far down the twang and bang country path....

gonna pick up the pace a bit with David Allen Coe with Dime Bag Darrell & Vinnie Paul from Pantera = Rebel Meets Rebel

my dad was a musician and a street rod/bike builder. A welder by trade. He was friends with David Allen Coe when I was a child, they rode choppers together, and he lived back in the woods with no electricity. Rode his bike into the city with his guitar strapped on the back to do studio sessions. Total wild man that guy....

Rebel Meets Rebel -Cowboys Do More Dope



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't let this cute little critter yank around on my beloved canon camera but there are some really great angles in this video. He makes me smile just watching him.

Let's PUG shit UP!
