Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop


Well-Known Member
Resisting your female loveliness is futile, it cannot be denied Miss Annie xo <3

I embrace it, because well I am a girlie girl as you saw from my photos lol.. I love the fact you are female with this incredible brain!!

Since I am blonde its always assumed I am dumb!



Well-Known Member
i saw the title, phenomenal woman, and immediately thought of this brave young lioness



Well-Known Member
Hope everyone has had a great weekend thus far!! [video=youtube;a7rHg8GQsDA][/video]


Well-Known Member
Just went to see the movie, "The Butler". It was intense, sad, funny and a really great movie. I enjoyed it a lot and want to own the movie when it comes out on dvd.


Well-Known Member
Again this song has Trousers 100% Bona Fide, Iron Clad, sickly sweet, shamalama ding dong, money back guarantee:



Well-Known Member
Can't believe I am still awake so might as well have a vape hit or 3.... listening to some blues with Colin James.



Well-Known Member
Might as well get up and dance a little with Colin James



Well-Known Member
While I am getting my groove on might as well whip out some Eddie Kirkland


Hope you all had a good weekend so far!!!


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;TEnzdp71U78][/video] working with some African harrar this am listening to frank and steve tear shit up! Miss those two jamming together! Oh and we got some nl#5 from uncle last night so good am indeed!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Beautiful People!

Really loving low humidity and cooler temps in August!

I still have the Freedom Riders on my mind today after watching the movie, "The Butler" yesterday. It reminded me once again the incredible bravery and the fact that these folks knew they could die at any given time and still they boarded the bus and rode on. To believe so deeply in equal rights for all they were relentless in their pursuit of freedom.

These folks were true heroes in the fact they pressed on knowing they could be killed, and they never fought back. They were relentlessly attacked and attempts were made to burn them alive inside the buses.

Bless them one and all for standing up for what they believed in. Even in the face of death their dedication to equality and basic rights as a human never wavered. I find them to be some of the bravest folks in all of the pages of history.



Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;2fTKhZIH2oU][/video] grew up to this album! love alan parsons project! Last cup of joe, then off to walk through some fresh air!


Well-Known Member
Good morning. One more day of peace before the Monday thru Friday work thing starts up all over again....



Well-Known Member
Morning VT & Talon hope you both enjoy your day!!

Here's some Big Head Todd doing a blues version of Sexy and I know it.... diggin it!



New Member
Bullet proof coffee and another rainy morning. Hope it clears up soon, the natives are growing restless.



Well-Known Member
feelin real danky this mornin
