Too Tall To LST????


Active Member
dudes, i cant let this baby go over the fence, what should i do to make it lower. the stem is really strong, i dont want to break it.



She'll bend just fine, a little each day or two......had this problem with my present backyard grow, mine were 5' when I started, stiff as all hell, yet they bent over, it just took some time. Funny thing, once I got the main stems over, the branches took off, I tied those down, now the branches of the branches are topping the 6 & 7 foot marks, and I have the same fence issue.....since I'm all legal, and medical, I finally decided screw it.....when I broke a branch and had to effect a repair, which healed up just fine in a couple of days.

Just be nice to the stem where you attach the tie, don't choke it too tight!

Good luck, she looks good!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... looks like you topped the plant. Is that correct? That does make it a little more difficult to tie over. You can probably do what others suggested and try to tie her over now, just be careful. Next time instead of topping just tie the top down. It has the same effect on the plant and is easier since it is more flexible. could also put up some lattice or other covering on the fence to give you some breathing room... Better then having cola's hanging over the fence! Good Luck man.


Well-Known Member
Wait for the plant to start to "stretch" before flowering to lst.. the stems will be much more workable! Although I do not know what kinda stretch you are going to get in that bucket? you can also give the plant less light to encourage weaker branches, for lst there are a few options. best of luck


Well-Known Member
Ok, this WILL solve your problem.

Transplant her into a larger container, leaning the root ball about 45 degrees.

Wait a day, and then LST the branches until most of the tops are about the same height.

The tallest branch will always grow the fastest, so LST or Supercrop the taller branches until about half way through flowering.

There's a transplanting tutorial on pg 38 of my grow thread.

Take a look if you like. It is different but in my opinion, superior to any other method I've seen.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
just tie a string to top and pull it over, it will be fine.
Don't use "String", wires, or any such non-friendly restraints. Floral tape is cheap and readily available. The tape has a lot more "give" and less likely to cause the dreaded "SNAP". Good luck & good grow.......BB