Too Yellow! Red stems! Soil grow. PLEASE HELP


Active Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg These are at day 8 not sure what is going on :(

I have them in peat moss smart pots that drain quickly.

I water them with the dirt is dry on the bottom of the pot ( through its small water drain hole) and poke 1 inch down into soil to test as well.

At first I believe I was over watering last week. I have cut back a lot.

And do not water if my finger comes out cool or damp.

Yesterday I noticed drooping and yellowing coming in. What could this be due to?

Souls organic. Not hot 3/1 pearlite.
81 temp high
72 temp low (night)
Humidity %40-%55
Currently about 2-3 inches from 6 single 23 watt CFL 1600 lumen.

(Awaiting my cool tube, nutes, tent and testers)


Well-Known Member
My only thought is, overwatering.

The finger test is, in my opinion, terrible.

Most of the water in the soil is below where your finger is getting to. The seedlings are barely drinking right now, certainly not clearing out all the water.

Try to let them dry out more.

The lift test is probably the fastest, easiest, and most accurate way to check if you need water. You'll get the hang of it quick. There's no mistaking a dry pot.
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Active Member
Quit sticking your finger in them.

If using distilled water, quit.

I would also lean towards over watering.

I would back your lights up a little to.

I also hate those paper cups you are using.
I hear so many yes/no's for distilled water. Thankfully were getting rain so I am collecting.


Well-Known Member
Tap water is usually fine. Check PPMs and adjust if necessary. Hot water usually has more "stuff" in it, like Calcium, than cold water.

If you soften your water, nevermind.


Well-Known Member
Dont use water softeners,the danger with distilled or r/o water is it contains nothing.Watering with plain distilled or very low ppm r/o will effectively leach minerals from your medium by osmosis.

And temperature doesnt affect the.nutrient content of your does affect the amount of dissovled oxygen it can contain though.


Active Member
Too much water...and light..seedlings like that dont need alot of watering.I wouldnt be so concered with runoff right now.
distilled strips the minerals from the soil to recollect what it lost, that's why you have a deficiency, you CAN use it, you just need to add cal/mag back into it
Thank You! I just confirmed the pros and cons for distilled! This was useful to know!


Well-Known Member
Oh boy another victim of depending! Hey back that light up boyfriend! I have killed one by drowning & got crinkle leaf not once but twice! the second time because I didn't want to get stretchy skin so it was too close to my LED damn really gotta play it by ear dial those b****** in for sure. I was watching like a hawk and still got the crinklle leaf but it doesn't kill them she's doing excellent now hahahahaha lesson learn hopefully God!


Well-Known Member
I use tap water. Haven't pH once. But have a meter on way. I new to indoor sothe less complicated for me, I feel like I have more control over the whole situation. Don't feel like I'm in over my head this point here they are at 14 days in this final pot IMG_20160306_231522.jpg hope it looks okay. Enjoy!


Active Member
I use tap water. Haven't pH once. But have a meter on way. I new to indoor sothe less complicated for me, I feel like I have more control over the whole situation. Don't feel like I'm in over my head this point here they are at 14 days in this final pot View attachment 3625682 hope it looks okay. Enjoy!
Thank you for your photo share and info! Ill cut the distilled water out. Back to using the tap I left out over night. Def. need my meters to come in the dang mail asap!


Well-Known Member
You know those babes will perk back up! They will be standing tall & strong in 3-5 days they'll rerecover &_ look awesome! Hard but try & be patient Danielson!


Well-Known Member
for me I feel like it's more about inspiration then competition. I get totally inspired when I see awesome pics from this site.makes me want to learn to grow better.


Active Member
for me I feel like it's more about inspiration then competition. I get totally inspired when I see awesome pics from this site.makes me want to learn to grow better.
Yes If this site had an hour counter, mine would be up there. I love seeing all the shares and journals. Never seen a community like this!

These are deff not the final pots. I was lead to by ether 2 or 3 gallon smart fabric pots. Once they recover I will be transplanting. Not sure how many days that'll be considering my growth seems to have slowed down.. =\


Well-Known Member
I hear so many yes/no's for distilled water. Thankfully were getting rain so I am collecting.
When I ran a DWC I used distilled water. Trying to use tap water, bottled spring water never worked out well.
I use tap water for my soil grows, unlike others I don't let it sit out over night or anything. Straight from faucet to measuring cup to plant. Been doing good for me so far.