Took Better Pictures


Well-Known Member
A few weeks to go yet my friend..

The best thing to do is to get a 60x - 100x microscope or a jewelers loupe.

Peace and Happy Growing


New Member
I would guess about 2 weeks left. Looking good so far. Only way to really tell is getting a microscope of 30X or better. Radio shack has a good one for like 12 bucks and it is up to 60X I think.
The trichs look less than 20% amber most cloudy and about 10% clearish. Cool thanks man 2 weeks sounds about right maybe 3???


Well-Known Member
scope will help you get the trich ratios you want, but be sure to pay attention to everything else as well. Hair recession, calyx swelling, and foliage changes (assuming you've laid back on the N) during flush, should all be taken into account along with your trich ratios. Either way iam thinking the previously suggested 2 weeks is a solid estimate for the beginning of your harvest window.