Took clones. Wish me luck.

The clonex or any rooting hormone is a great suggestion. I Personally prefer an aero cloner as it takes the hard part out of it however the way you are trying is more difficult.

that being said everyone is giving you advice here and you seem to kind of still do your thing and that’s cool. Why don’t you take one cutting and put it in a cup by itself and don’t mess with one cutting for as long as you can? And then compare not messing with one vs what you have been doing ?
The clonex or any rooting hormone is a great suggestion. I Personally prefer an aero cloner as it takes the hard part out of it however the way you are trying is more difficult.

that being said everyone is giving you advice here and you seem to kind of still do your thing and that’s cool. Why don’t you take one cutting and put it in a cup by itself and don’t mess with one cutting for as long as you can? And then compare not messing with one vs what you have been doing ?
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Yeah, it was hard to follow all advice at once, some conflicted with another or were entirely different methods. I was anxious to continue the next run and planted seeds already but am trying again much ahead of time. Tent drops to 55F at night so the cup of water or coco method may not work.

I messed up opening the dome 3 times even though it was 97 times less than last time lol. Hoping the OP saying jiffy pallets not being for newbies is acccurate, it gave me hope for next time in other media or water.

Don’t want to waste cuttings either, so thought having a heat pad and space heater in a few weeks would be the next time I can start attempting again.

Overall I feel like I met in the middle with everyones advice for this method aside from the last couple times I messed with it but was already having holdouts. High temps, saturated pucks, opening dome, falling over due to pucks not grasping tight like other pucks/cubes. Not the best sized/matured cuttings.

I said “when I feel like dealing with headache of aerocloner” if I did not succeed with basic methods, I meant in the sense that its give or take with each person having good or bad results for unknown reasons.

This was a caotic run but as my name suggests, I will be back lol. You will see advice here mimicked as close as possible. Separate threads so the caoticness you saw here will be minimal on each thread.
No worries dude as long as you are learning and having fun that’s all that matters. Have always struggled with cloning outside of an aero cloner. Same issues for me when I started I check the dome to much. But truly just take a cutting and try to leave it alone for as long as you can as a controlled experiment is the best way to tweak your system. Best of luck to ya
It can be tough to get it down, but a day will definitely come soon when you are 100% confident that ANY cutting you take will root, just keep trying and keep making adjustments to your procedures.

One popped a root. Discarded the dead ones that had a lot of mold. It is day 21. Put dome back on, got 3 left. Blue Venom. Hearty plant, might be my best buddy with cloning. This is the strain that did not seem to mind the dome being removed for a sec. Might be the type strain that can handle no dome.

The whole top node is all new growth as well as the side nodes, kepts growing this whole time and was very resistant to mold.

Leaving it be. The discarded cuttings had roots too, I squeezed the media and many drops of water came out. Saturated for sure this whole time, 21 days later, still no need to water.

@Herb & Suds

I hope You aren’t implying I just made the same mistake that killed the two other cuttings (MOB strain) lol I would be bummed. I did not however, add nutes like the other day. Thick strong stem on Blue Venom, cannot see that happening.
@Herb & Suds

I hope You aren’t implying I just made the same mistake that killed the two other cuttings (MOB strain) lol I would be bummed. I did not however, add nutes like the other day. Thick strong stem on Blue Venom, cannot see that happening.
I was noting your impatience
Every few days you open root roots or throw out some plant that offends your eye
Once a clone establishes roots you can worry about yellowed leaves or mold …
They just never get a chance to root and recover around you
I was noting your impatience
Every few days you open root roots or throw out some plant that offends your eye
Once a clone establishes roots you can worry about yellowed leaves or mold …
They just never get a chance to root and recover around you
I acknowledged your note on my impatience, tried explaining why. Already chose one method and was going to do everyones tips next time real soon.

I am playing god with these plants deciding which to kill and let grow lol Turned out I was moving slow v.s what is demanded. Will get there asap, but thank you for your help and everyone else too.
I treat all my clones with Southern Ag GFF and they are golden after that, never get mold on clones (or dampening off in seeds)-I think the small bottle is $7.99 on Amazon. It's a good thing to have around for regular IPM during veg.

What application rate for the GFF? Can you clarify "treat"? Just spray or?
Leaving it be, since last time I tried to save it, it was already a goner and just may of stunted the rest. So thickness or strengh of stem isn’t the issue IMO. IMO it is stem/root rot from such saturated pucks

(still no need to water, it is even smothered with water still according to the OP above in thread warning about these pucks.)

Is it perhaps from refreshing the enviorment? It is not a pattern yet, but this happened last time I opened dome. Leaving it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be lol.
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Leaving it be, since last time I tried to save it, it was already a goner and just may of stunted the rest. So thickness or strengh of stem isn’t the issue IMO. IMO it is stem/root rot from such saturated pucks

(still no need to water, it is even smothered with water still according to the OP above in thread warning about these pucks.)

Is it perhaps from refreshing the enviorment? It is not a pattern yet, but this happened last time I opened dome. Leaving it be. Let it be, let it be, let it be lol.
Looks a little too early to start LST on that bottom clone. :D
8 days ago, looked the same but for sure a third root and I think another one popping through. Feeling the saturated pucks for the cutting, seems like it would be thriving if it was less wet even to this day, 30 days exactly from taking the cuttings.

Buying heating system UL listed 300w for the veg tent, I think I can confidently say, getting the veg room up to specs would mimick the enviorment that I am almost too sure was the reason they all rooted despite not making it.

This one keeps going though. The new leaves are wilting bad and the incoming leaves look like they are following suit. It was a hot week above 82F though. Again, I think the wet pucks like one mentioned is not helping. No tugor to pull the water out of puck yet IMO. What should I do? Wait for vigorous roots to start acclimating?

This is my last shot until next time. I refuse to try until I have temps at least. Might take a fat cutting and put in a cup of water but if I can get the settings needed, and appropriate root timing, would probably suceed at around the same time. This space needs be taken down. I have available cuttings to take up the ying yang, someone told me 65F is possible but takes longer. It could be 55F though.
This marks the end of this round. They all rooted then fell over and died usually with mold presenting right before it happens, why I was so concerned with mold, hope it is not related.

Saturated pucks too high of temps. Everything else people mentioned that could cause this hold out.

Well, kind if relieved, was a disasterous thread because I just hopped right into it and did have suprising results.

Will post journals going with methods suggested here, very much thanks for the help, it really prompted me to do better next time. This is the end of this journal but posted a thread gathering the last bit of suggestions I can but mostly regarding breeding but am trying again already and then again within 2 weeks with supplies.

Will just trial out what works in 7-10 days and then do my next run with 4-6 clones and then cut cuttings every 60 days from then on. Hope I am not blowing up the thread section lol but each thread has its own plants and relevent questioning unrelated to each thread. Need to journal so I can get live help, maybe better help since I am doing a solid method, this was like several tactics at once.

Certain questions posted in newb central and cloning journals in grow journal section, if you want to check it out. Have enough cuttings to use the dome again. Have pucks.
Read some on damping off, makes total sense. Says to only keep high humidity and dome for 4 days or else types of fungi grow and kill the plant. If accurate, explains a lot. Hydrogaurd next time and harden off faster. For sure damping off, lol 30 days, wow. Shrivels up and tips over. Not seeing what the heck the dome is for then, unless significant activity in those 4 days.
Try just using a cup of water.

I took some clones off of an outdoor plant and have just had them sitting on a table outside. 10 days and it looks like they're getting ready to start shooting roots. It's not the fastest way but it works. It's a simple process that is usually successful when kept simple.

They've also been sitting outside in 100°F temperatures with no wilting.

Good luck.


Try just using a cup of water.

I took some clones off of an outdoor plant and have just had them sitting on a table outside. 10 days and it looks like they're getting ready to start shooting roots. It's not the fastest way but it works. It's a simple process that is usually successful when kept simple.

They've also been sitting outside in 100°F temperatures with no wilting.

Good luck.


I needed to defoliate and prune to access easier to water the mother. Specially if people suggesting I water twice a day to avoid new deficiencies. So kinda had to take cuttings any way. Will put some in riot cubes and heat mat in veg tent until I get heating for the whole tent for nights.
from molds and fungi that feed right below the surface and crawl up, showing fuzz on the part that is shriveled up. RH% to stay below 80% after 4 days or just never above 80% to begin with.