Took Cuttings


Active Member
just had a thought what it may be ? i do (mist) squirt with a spray gun ,water with riza , the gun is a bit shit & leaks abit ,i wonder if could it be the water droplets heavy from the sprayer leaving the light spots when dried out ??? ,


Well-Known Member
yes i just separated 8 blocks from 24 pack ,so all the 8 are attached (they are close ) ,would it be better to separate each block & give them a bit off space ? i have moved the cuttings out of my bedroom somewhere cooler ,as it can get quite warm in my bedroom ,i have also put a fluorescent light close to the propagator so they are getting light now ..will i have to leave the light on all the time 24/7 till they have rooted properly ? i was thinking would it be a good or bad idea to put them in my veg room with the other plants ,& not bother with the fluorescent light .like put the propagator in the corner of the room ,so it wouldn't be getting the full blast of the light but they should be getting the ideal temp & humidity in there ,????,but there on 12/12 & the bulb is 600w the temp is around 75f -80f would it be hot ? .

i also have some formula for the cuttings ,says mix 5ml tto 1 ltr water ,use weekly .
I leave my light on 24/7, So thats fine, You can do 20/4 or 18/6 if you wanna. I would also separate them, Time comes to rooting, They can grow that whole cube in less then a 1/2 day if conditions are right. So to prevent root damage separate them now and give them space or else later you will be pulling and untangling roots from each other which always leads to some damage.

Edit, Your pic shows 8 root riots in their own cell, Thats fine bro! I thought you had em all attached still in rows .... Looks like your ready to rock , Now its just patience and high hopes!


Well-Known Member
no absolutely no bugs ,the room is clean .it happened on my last grow ,but last time it was a bit more severe pretty much all over the big leaves ,it didn't seem to do any harm tho , the buds where really good & crop was plenty ? like i say just on the larger fan leaves .its just like milky faint dust spots very faint ,think the bright light makes em look more worse than they are .if you touch the leaf the spot just wipes of just like dust really ,

my temps & humidity right fans etc ??? not sure what it is ,
To be sure and avoid if it is PM, I would spray with a neem oil mixture. I also do this too cause I feel it helps w/ wilt.... That way if it is PM, It will be dead and gone before startin veg. Normally PM wont grow in 100% humidity but rather stay dormant and spead later on when its condiitons are met. Also its hard for it to grow when the leafs are constantly wet. Which is why you might see it in the start and see if pop back up after they are rooted and in veg. Neem oil is like my savior and gives me lots of second chances lol


Yup..... Neem oil or liquid karma mix with serenade....smells like rotten feet but the plants love em n it kills pm.


Active Member
cheers westxxx & thanks everyone who commented much appreciated ,where do i buy this from..... Neem oil or liquid karma mix with serenade..............what price is it ????


Active Member
Cant see anything wrong there pal.. they look bang on :)
Personally i would chuck the heat mat away and put about 2 inch of perlite in the bottom of the propegator to hold moisture as heat shouldnt be an issue using a light above it
cheers ,
how you mean with the perlite ,2 inches layer on the bottom ? then you mean plant the root riot cubes in the perlite ,or just sit the tray of cuttings on the perlite ?
