Took my plant out..

Madden NFL

Active Member
Well sadly i gave up on growing atm ... THe temps are too hot and its hard to keep stealth.. I tried everything and light and the temps will not stay cool because of the heat spells we've been having. I might try again in the fall though. Hopefully i get something going then.. Im really sad that i didn't get to finish my grow. Onnly like a week old was looking good then i couldn't find a good stealth place to keep cool.

Madden NFL

Active Member
Yeah i might do it again. Gonna find something else more stealthy.. any ideas that's usually a household item i tried pc grow but too much hastle and closet gets to hot.

Madden NFL

Active Member
I don't have much so. and i can't use the closet because i wont be able to knock the walls out and it needs to be stealth from other people.. So anything i can stick in my room i got a dressor but the light issues from the back from the fans? How do i fix that

Madden NFL

Active Member
Look on here it will tell you it might come back alive. Anyways what can i make Im trying to get this going i can use my dressor then i have to run tubing


Active Member
That sucks. Yea, don't give up. I'm sure you'll think of something steath. I just don't understand why something so beautiful has to be illegal. Everyday I go outside I just want to take my plants and put them out in the sun but I can't because there's too many prying eyes. I've thought about putting several plants in one of those miniature refrigerators. If anybody asks about the noise from the exhaust fan, you could just say the refrigerator is a piece of crap and probably needs to be serviced.

Madden NFL

Active Member
Yeah, It really shouldn't be illegal. It's all natural it's like making grass illegal.. But something worse for you is able to sell in the stores? Tabbaco? sad. sad. sad world.


Well-Known Member
well said MADDEN not only that but alcohol and were given all this false info growing up about how cannabis is horrible and yada yada yada the way they warp are thinking growing up really makes me question how much of the bullshit were told is actually true, in my opinion not much, ne ways its alright about fuckin up ur first grow, if i had to guess i would say that more than 50 % of us fucked up our 1st time around, to be honsest somthins gone wrong for me my first 4 years of trying to grow, my crop was stolen twice and the weather fucked em up twice ( one year i got impatient and planted too early , onecold night did em in) so this year everythings goin pretty good, other than the fact that some deer got into em, but there fixin themselfs and growin good so im just hoping and prayin ill see this year to harvest, hopefully youll have better luck than me

Madden NFL

Active Member
Oh well i think im gonna try again im gonna have to put some thought into this stealth idea... Then Ima try and grow =] and for you.. Goodluck on you're grow this year hope it turns out great :P