Took pre employment drug test used quick fix ..


Well-Known Member
lol tomorrow after my math final I WILL DO IT!!! LOL i just dont wanna seem like a dick cuz i called last tuessday and they said they are still waiting for the results etc etc.
i used quick fix to get a job at target almost a year ago. and it worked wonderfully. when i was in the bathroom i was holding the bottle upside down and when i stopped squeezing it it sucked a bunch of air in and made a super loud noise and the nurse was standing right outside the door. i was so nervous


I used quickfix three times for drug screening tests. Worked every time.


Well-Known Member
well guys i called yesterday... and had to call back 3 fucking times. because the manager went into the computer and is STILL waiting for the results from the background check to come back!!

I"m like wtf!! he said he will call me when the results come back... i didnt know it wouldl take sooo damn long to get this job