Toolage 87's Indoor Grow Garden

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
4 months gone by now and still no harvest. Whats going on over here
1 - This strain was a big hit and miss for me since its nute demand was alot different then I thought.
2 - My grow space isn't built 100% yet so there's no flowering space.
3 - Had 3 fail attempts on rooting clones that I took before so I stopped trying till I got my aero cloner because I don't wanna do a grow from seed and harvest the plants that I started from seed because I want to take clones and flower the clones but now its gonna be longer then I though.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- Cloning Spot Setup Update -----

Hey all. Well as you all know my last 3 tries of trying to clone in soil ended in a fail attempt and that I shelled out $220 for a Aero Cloner. So here's a update on what my cloning setup looks like now.

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Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- Update -----

Hey all. Well the BC Ice cuttings rooted but at this point I don't care if the cuttings do well or not since I finally figured out what cloning method works. I will reorder the strain and give it another round for BC Ice.

About 1 week ago a friend of mine came by and he was having problems cloning to so there was some thing that wasn't going right for another person. He's gonna be giving me some of the clones for helping him with rooting clones. He's gonna come by with some more cuttings of another strain or two.

I still need to buy stuff to build my flowering spot but I have to find a person with a truck that can help me with bringing the wood that I buy but lately my budget has gotten tighter since its Christmas and well presents aren't cheap but also I am buying some LED Christmas lights.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- November 3rd, 2011 Update -----

Hi all. I know this is very late but I finally have time to upload and post a pic update so here it is.


Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- November 5th, 2011 , Update -----

Hey all here's another update even though its late but its the clones that I took.


Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- November 18th, 2011 Update -----

Morning all. A friend of mine came by last night and had a strain that he wanted cloned because he's having the same problems that I was having so he gave me 18 cuttings. He wants me to have at least 1 to 3 of the cuttings because he wants the strain around since its strong.

So here's a pic of the clones that he gave me to root for him.


Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- November 22rd, 2011 Update -----

Hey all. Well here's another update and this one is more recent. Take a look at the cuttings of BC Ice that I took.

I still have a couple clones in my aero cloner and I am gonna grow them out in it maybe and keep it as a mom and or dad.

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Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- November 24th, 2011 Update -----

Hey all. Got a couple pics for you guys. The first one is BC Ice and the 2nd pic is unknown strain but is a strong strain. The BC Ice is looking better witch is nice to see.

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Well-Known Member
looking good buddy! i love the light reflecting off the leaves, makes em look awesome. im thinking of getting "full moon" then mating it with some "ice." full moon is all sativa and said to have a super sweet mind altering effect. so i may be ordering those soon to come.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
looking good buddy! i love the light reflecting off the leaves, makes em look awesome. im thinking of getting "full moon" then mating it with some "ice." full moon is all sativa and said to have a super sweet mind altering effect. so i may be ordering those soon to come.
Thank you. :) The 5 that are in pots are my BC Ice and the ones in the cloner are some random strain that a friend of mine got me to clone for him.

I have no idea why but they are doing better since I cloned them.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- November 29th Update -----

Hi all. Today I got my paid today and I got more money then I thought I was gonna get so I ended up with almost enough money to get it but I ended up dipping into the Christmas funds I had set aside but my next pay will replace it but I got my self a couple new things for my grow. :D


6 Inch Inline Fan & 6 inch tubing

130 watts , 1.0 amps , 120 volts , 420 CFM

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- November 25th, 2011 Update -----

Hi all. Its update time. Once again its late but I have been busy with rl stuff so I was uploading pics here and there and today I have enough time to uplaod the rest so here it is.

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Here's a pic of a clone out of the 18 my friend gave to me to root for him


Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Keep em for your self. ;)
Those will be fun ad a handful indeed. :lol:
lol. He did give me some. he only wanted 5 out of the 18 witch its ok but he didn't have much room and he knows I do have a half ass setup but he knows that I can clone his strain. Now that my BC Ice strain is under my 70w MH around 12/12 but they have a 26w, 6500k, 2 foot tube florescent light going 24/0 they are doing better and seem to like the amount of MH light time they get and the 26w light they get. It doesn't seem they liked the whole 18/6 that I was giving them or the amount of 70w MH lamp time they had to.

I will hopefully had all the pics updated but I will have to look through the memory card for my camera because I might still have some kicking around on there and if not I will get some new pics up.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- December 3rd, 2011 Update -----

Hey all. Ok so here's a 2nd update for today and its the most recent one I took so here's what my veg soon to be flowering area setup looks like now. Below the top shelf where my bamboo plants are is where my 6 inch inline fan is. It was the easiest way to set it up with out having to build some kind of holder to hold the fan. I am not worried about the noise because my 70w MH lamp is only on 12 hours of the day roughly and the fan gets turned on when I turn the fan on so it gets drowned out by what ever I am doing. Usually playing music so does a nice job. When your out side my room with the door closed it almost sounds like a regular fan going to keep the air moving in the room.

Please remember that this setup is a work in progress and not the final one.

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Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
----- December 6th, 2011 Update -----

Hey all. This is a text update for today.

Yesterday or the day before my friend came over with 10 cuttings of a different strain that he wants me to root for him so I got a 2nd mystery biker gang weed clone. Today I put an order in for BC Ice because the first try wasn't so good and wasn't able to root any cuttings that I took no matter what methods I used and rooting hormone. Also along with the BC Ice I ordered BC Skunk. So hopefully the order will go though and I will get my seeds before Christmas witch they should since it shouldn't take long to get here once it goes through.

So next year I will have 7 different strains to chose from to start for next year. Hopefully in the next day or few I will have new pics taken and uploaded.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
How do Toolage, been reading this thread for the last half hour or so and have just subscribed and plan to tag along if thats OK. I love your experimental outlook and your keeness to try out different stuff.

I grow myself with a small number of plants in the attic setup and so far I'm getting a few pointers with your experiences which I am considering trying out in my own grows, anyway--good thread, I'll read up on the rest of the goings on, throw in the odd comment, and good luck

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
How do Toolage, been reading this thread for the last half hour or so and have just subscribed and plan to tag along if thats OK
Its going better now. I hate the fact my first time was a huge hit and miss deal. Yes you can tag along and ask questions if you want to know more about my setup.

I love your experimental outlook and your keeness to try out different stuff.
I love trying new things out. I am trying to find ways to use less power but get the best results that I can get from it.

I grow myself with a small number of plants in the attic setup and so far I'm getting a few pointers with your experiences which I am considering trying out in my own grows, anyway--good thread, I'll read up on the rest of the goings on, throw in the odd comment, and good luck
That's cool. I hope that you don't make the same mistakes that I did. Do you plan on making your own strain and seed stock?