Toolongs SoCal Grow Update


Hey guys and gals out there just wanted to share my latest picks along with the nightmare I came home to last night. So I was gone all day yesterday and when I returned home I always go see my girls and there was a huge grasshopper munching on my O.G. so I picked the little bastard up and gave him to my cats. He did a little damage but doesn't seem to bad, I'm posting 2 pics of my girls the bigger is my O.G. and the smaller is a Neville's Haze and the close ups are the damage from the grasshopper. Any advice on the grasshoppers this is the 3rd time this has happened and would you trim off the leaves he did the damage on? Before everyone starts in I,m going to bigger lighter color pots next week but any other input would be great. Thanks



I also was going to say that if you see that orange spot on my O.G. leave I believe that is a grasshopper poop, what a little bastard huh has the nerve to eat leaves and poop on one he didn't even touch. l.f.


yeah dude fucking bugs up here, i seem to be getting alot of budworms
I had some budworms but then I used my "Don't Bug me" and haven't had another budworm but the grasshoppers keep coming. Any Ideas out there for grasshoppers besides chocolate covered


Well-Known Member
There are several home brews of boiled cayenne peppers with garlic a lil dish liquid to make it sticky. Do a search for DIY sprays. Oh and netting is also an option.


There are several home brews of boiled cayenne peppers with garlic a lil dish liquid to make it sticky. Do a search for DIY sprays. Oh and netting is also an option.
Thanks for the heads up I'll check in on that and I guess netting is always an option.


Also if anyone has any thoughts on my smaller plant during the day her leaves taco up a little but after the sun goes down they go back to normal???


So I could use some ideas out there, It was brought to my attention about black pots being bad in the sun and since then I have noticed how hot my soil gets so it was suggested to use white pots but there bad due to the sunlight traveling through and hitting the roots so the hydro store suggested clay color pots but I tested and the light transfers through it too. I have to move my plants so I have to keep them light as possible so would appreciate any other ideas. Thanks


Well-Known Member
I've never heard of needing a special color pot. Your plants seem to be thriving nicely in the black pots. I suppose you could always cover your pot with a white towel, bag, etc. Either way, good job so far.


Yeah you wouldn't believe how hot my pots and soil are at the end of the day and clay pots would be to heavy to move around, maybe I'll double clay plastic pot them... say that 5 times


Well-Known Member
I do believe how hot they get. It was 112 here yesterday.
That's what I'm saying. Leave them in the plastic pots. Leave some clay pots outside to set them in. Even then as suggested you might cover them with towels. I've used old feed bags cut in squares with a t slice to the middle so they can be slipped around the stem.


I do believe how hot they get. It was 112 here yesterday.
That's what I'm saying. Leave them in the plastic pots. Leave some clay pots outside to set them in. Even then as suggested you might cover them with towels. I've used old feed bags cut in squares with a t slice to the middle so they can be slipped around the stem.
Both of those are great ideas thank you


I have a question for you Knowledgeable ones out there, how many of you out there feed with nutrients on every watering? Should I feed every other watering? My girls really got a boost from there first feeding and I don't want to over overdue it. Thanks for any advice


Hi Folks,

I've used garlic cloves in my pots. I brewed a mix of garlic and cayenne in water and hadn't really experienced a lot of problems. The last week or so no garlic down there and seems have some leaf munchers.

We are in the process of testing a new 1000 W HPS Eye Hortilux. The yellow blaring light is the HPS @ 4' diagonally and 29" vertically from the plants. It's really a heat test. We just wanna' be sure we know where we are with temps before we actually install that bad boy.

I've brewed another concoction of straight canola oil heated over low flame, peel and break-up garlic cloves and essentially fry them on top of the hot oil. Then I strain thru a coffee filter.

No doubt in my mind that it'll keep many small bodied critters away, but I worry !!

My concern is that because this brew is rather thick as compared to a water/garlic brew, would rubbing it onto the leaves cause them to suffocate?

I thought perhaps I'd try rubbing onto bottom surface of leaves on 1 plant and see if it works, but thought I might seek some advice from those much more knowledgeable than myself before I even try that ...

Anyone know how to thin out an oil (without heating it !! :eyesmoke:) ?? Ideally it would be something the oil would freely emulsify with, but I'm not so sure what that would be.

Threw in some pics so you might get an idea on the grow area.

Thanks for any advice


