Top 10 breeders in the world

well i would love if everyone, and i mean EVERYONE could participate, but there should be a separation in voting for the types of strains(those who invented them), between those who make the strains that enter the cup and those like me enjoy the strains released(or released prior to the cannabis cub) at the cannabis cup, because i feel as if breeders who spend alot of money to take part in the cup dont get enough say in what their competitors or competition/rivals gear is like and i really want to see who respects who, it can tell you ALOT about what is actually happening in the commercial trade, even if that means you have to buy 10 seeds instead of a 5 pack to get the pheno you actually voted best at the cup. maybe it is just me, but i think the Cannabis cup and other competitions will follow rules similar to what i have projected in order to decided who are better than the rest.

Subcool frequently bigs up other breeders and growers.

His youtube @ 2011 HTCC you see him say BF ad best buy far
Shanti as many times said others better his stock.
My favourite breeder is Stitch, hands down for his work on the Himalaya Blue Diesel, it looks pretty, smells delicious, has an interesting unique flavour that I have not experienced before and it provides me with a wonderful high that suits my needs...
its stupid to make a top 10, i think there are HUNDREDS who are can breed as good as eachother and still not have the right genetics on their hands to make something exceptional.

but if i must

Subcool(main tga breeder)
Vic high
Bros grim( i guess there is more than one)
Stitch(makes incredible autos, so he's probably the best auto breeder)
Ed borg(delta 9 labs)

last 2 were a joke... cmon, i said it was stupid to compare elite breeders. its about knowledge AND genetics, not just know-how.

Dude, where's Sannie on your list?!
thats the thing we shouldnt have to buy seeds on 'hear say'... i got burnt with crap genetics because somebody 'said they were great'.

i want FACTS.. something this industry lacks.

i really want to know how you judge this universally,?
i do not believe what you seek is possible
it is like asking what is the best food , or what is the best color its a meaningless question as there are no facts here only opinions

the best weed is the weed YOU like smoking best , you do not need a guru to tell you what is the best
are you disappointed with what you have been growing ?
Having spent my first week at the HTCC at a stall trying to promote the company I breed for, I can honestly say that the judging is a total waste of time imo. Like anything, you have biggers stalls, more entries (which cost money to enter!) and lavish more gifts then you are more likely to win. I spoke to many people who ultimately would only be trying a few of the strains on offer, so how on earth can their vote count. Many shops in Amsterdam that are not in the Centre do not get the visitors they deserve, and as such cannot get as many judges voting on their stuff. If you have 3 outlets and are selling judges packs at all 3, then your packs will get out to more judges.
I also agree on the AK47 thing, it also won an award this year as well, ffs.....
Re the Amsterdammmmmmers voting, I spoke to a mad amount of US people so I wouldn't say it's locals voting. In fact, most Dutch people will slag of HTCC as they have their own Dutch competition called Highlife, which also brings in other towns in The Netherlands.
The whole cup seems to be a sham, and to pay several thousand $'s to enter some strains almost seems like a con. But I guess the likes of GHS, Barneys, etc, will do it because they know as soon as their product wins that every dispensary, and every grow shop across the world will probably be ordering their Seed winner as soon as it's announced.

HT did say they have a new voting system for non coffeeshop votes, which also includes sample testing by machines. However, on a blind test they gavce a different result from the actual get your head round that.
Having spent my first week at the HTCC at a stall trying to promote the company I breed for, I can honestly say that the judging is a total waste of time imo. Like anything, you have biggers stalls, more entries (which cost money to enter!) and lavish more gifts then you are more likely to win. I spoke to many people who ultimately would only be trying a few of the strains on offer, so how on earth can their vote count. Many shops in Amsterdam that are not in the Centre do not get the visitors they deserve, and as such cannot get as many judges voting on their stuff. If you have 3 outlets and are selling judges packs at all 3, then your packs will get out to more judges.
I also agree on the AK47 thing, it also won an award this year as well, ffs.....
Re the Amsterdammmmmmers voting, I spoke to a mad amount of US people so I wouldn't say it's locals voting. In fact, most Dutch people will slag of HTCC as they have their own Dutch competition called Highlife, which also brings in other towns in The Netherlands.
The whole cup seems to be a sham, and to pay several thousand $'s to enter some strains almost seems like a con. But I guess the likes of GHS, Barneys, etc, will do it because they know as soon as their product wins that every dispensary, and every grow shop across the world will probably be ordering their Seed winner as soon as it's announced.

HT did say they have a new voting system for non coffeeshop votes, which also includes sample testing by machines. However, on a blind test they gavce a different result from the actual get your head round that.

Nice detail... i think all results should be 'scientifically' based.. and viewed and tested in proper labs for proper judgment on breed, genetics, thc levels etc.
seems like alot of stuff these days is sold on 'here say'

its all about 'the show' and 'the stands' more than anything.. and that really annoys me because i demand perfection .. not a bloody crowd.

i will personally choose breeders who spend there 'money' investing in research to better genetics and come up with new breeds... i wont spend my money on a breeder who spends all the cash provided to them on stands; advertising etc.... all there after is a cash grab and they find plenty of victims.
Nice detail... i think all results should be 'scientifically' based.. and viewed and tested in proper labs for proper judgment on breed, genetics, thc levels etc.
seems like alot of stuff these days is sold on 'here say'

First of all, who is going to decide what exactly constitutes an "Indica" and how exactly are you going to "measure" that? You can't. . .there is no "Indica" test, just as there is no "Sativa" test. The vast majority of modern strains contain some genetic background from tropical and subcontinental strains, meaning that any particular contest entry is likely to be both Indica and Sativa. . .distinguishing between the two is largely arbitrary.

Even if there were some well-defined genetic criteria to separate one from the other (and there aren't), I strongly doubt it would be practical with today's technology to do genetic probing on submitted samples to evaluate them.

Again, judging cannabis. . .like judging wine or beer. . .is mostly subjective, not objective.

Yes, you can measure constituent molecules, like THC, CBD, etc, but that information is of limited value, I think. That's only going to tell you which strains are the most potent. But unless absolute potency is your ONLY criteria for picking top strains, comparing the numbers isn't going to help you. Lets say you have five strains that all vary between (say) 18 and 20% THC. Yeah, by pure mathematics, ONE of them is going to be more potent than the others, but that difference in potency isn't likely to be significant in the real world.

How is a machine going to determine which strain smells the nicest?
How is a machine going to judge which sample has the best appearance ("bag appeal")?
How is a machine going to judge the quality of a "high"?
At this point in time, machines simply CANNOT do these things, and so I don't see any way that you "scientifically" even CAN judge cannabis strains.

At best you can have an expert panel make relatively good distinctions between a small number of stains, but that kind of evaluation is never going to tell you what strain/s are the "best" again, because that's subjective, and because in practice, no such panel could ever do really good evaluation on a large number of strains in any limited time frame. Smoking weed isn't like taking a sip of wine, swishing it around and spitting it out.

As I said earlier, these "contests" are basically ways to generate publicity/advertising for particular seed houses, and for the contest sponsors, and to a lesser extent serve as industry "conferences". That's about it.

its all about 'the show' and 'the stands' more than anything.. and that really annoys me because i demand perfection .. not a bloody crowd.
They buy your own strains, and decide for yourself which are "the best". That's the only judgment that's really going to matter anyway.

i will personally choose breeders who spend there 'money' investing in research to better genetics and come up with new breeds... i wont spend my money on a breeder who spends all the cash provided to them on stands; advertising etc.... all there after is a cash grab and they find plenty of victims.
Short of reviewing their financial records and comparing (which you'll never be permitted to do) how on earth are you going to know what proportion of money any given house is spending on actual breeding vs advertising?

More to the point, even if you did do this, spending money on marketing and on development are not only not mutually exclusive, they are probably complementary. The house that makes the best strains "should" sell the most seeds allowing for better marketing, and the house that sells the most seeds "should" then have the most revenues available for continued strain development.

Even this assumes that strain quality is a function of a particular house's R&D budget, and that probably is only true to a very limited extent. A good breeder with a small budget can do more than a poor one with a large budget. If you look at the history of the more famous "name" strains (Skunk, Northern Lights, etc) many of them were developed via collaborative effort distributed between many breeders over many years.
1: TGA ( The Green Avengers )
2: G.G Genetics
3: BHODI Seeds

I also like:
4: Alien genetics
5: SinCity Seeds

my five selections are in no particular order
just seperating 4 & 5 because they are so new to the scene, I cant definitevely put them on the list. Never the less I am impressed with there genetics.

If you're a haze fanatic check out Connoisseur Genetics. They specialize in sativa/haze genetics. Beautiful plants. Awesome smell. Amazing highs.
Conn Genetics is good for sativa doms imo. Ojd knows hazes and long flowering strains really well. Not so much on indica's. I grew out his Rainbow Jones which is GDP x Casey Jones, very indy leaning and tbh it was garbage. Looked beautiful but it was mids at best and yielded like shit for a strain touted as a high producer. Apparently its one of his most requested strains but i dont know why. Probably because the colours range from purples to maroons to pinks.

Popped a whole pack and there was nothing worth keeping.