Am I understanding you correctly, four plants under six hundred watts? Two pounds a month?
I have 48 small plants per 600w...
I have 4x 600w...
plus "corner plants" that just live in the room in the "washed" light...
I have a perpetual rotation... I harvest 2~3 plants everyday...
I beleive thats 2400 watts. not plants, i dunno though.
right 2400w...
about 225 plants in flower...
thats fine running whatever level ppm different strains need but towards the end more ferts wont help growth as the plant is done growing and has stored energy to finish its bloom anyways. without a week or so with no ferts flavor and smoothness will suffer as youll be smoking some of those stored mineral salts. the smoothest smoking bud comes from plants that are showing yellowing at harvest on all fan leaves imo.
Sure.. but i have plants that are just starting in the same res...
and plants that are 1/4 in.. and 1/2 in and 3/4 in...
it's a perpetual rotation.. with new plants going in everyday...
and my plants s turn yellow when they are done...
I have done a flush no flush blind test with experienced smokers...
I found that it is the CURE not the flush that makes for a smooth smoke..
I used to flush, not I prefer not to stress and starve the plant during tha period n which it gains up up 25% of it's total weight...
Makes no sense to me to starve something you want to fatten...
but.. what do I know..

i'm so stoned..
I'm sure gypsy will respond to this as well, but I thought I'd comment. He has many many plants under 4 600w bulbs, and harvests a couple plants every day or two. Equaling about 2 lbs a months off the 4 600ws.
Thanks TC..!
Top 5 i would wanna grow..That i smoked before
1.Sour D
3.OG or Purple Kush
4.White Widow
what's the "x" after the c99 stand for.. do you know?
Cheers guys..