Top 5 People You Would Smoke With

Katt Williams (funniest man alive)
You (all of you, as long as we are matching, cant support a crowd like that)
Adam Sandler
Jimmi Hendrix
Cheech and Chong

Lots of great posts, some hella funny.
1)George Washington
2)My mother, she doesn't smoke I just think it would be cool
3)my girlfriend.
4)One of my friends who has not and claims he will never smoke.
5)My dad, he is always so much fun to smoke with.
1. The person i would like to blaze with the most would have to be BROWNDIRTwarrior, id crack a beer for that dude any day. He deserves a cold one, lol
2.Dr. Dre (he would prob have some guud shiit.)
3.B-Real from cypress hill
4.FDD From Roll it up forums.
5.jesus deserves first toke.
John Lennon
Eric Clapton
Johnny Cash
Franco from greenhouse seeds, cause dam he gets excited about bud
Sid barret (Pink Floyd, and preferably before the breakdown)
George Carlin
Leonardo Davinci
Steve Jobs
And that cop who got stoned off pot brownies and called 911 because he thought he was dying.......
1. Fdd2blk in one of his groovy pieces
2. Nick Diaz
3. Aristotle
4. My like 40 Y/O Cuzzin who is a devout Christian who does NOTHING except go to church but shes awesome so I know we could chill
5. whoever posts under me
1. Sean Connery (cool mutha fucker)
2. Bill Murrary (while watching caddy shack)
3. Penelope Cruz (duh)
4. Julia Roberts (first 5mins of pretty woman)
5. Sponge Bob (just cuz)
Kevin Smith
Tom Petty
Zooey Daschnel (sp)
anybody from monty python.

holy shit zooey deschanel is SO fine. and her sister. Every grow i've done i've named one of the ladies deschanel.

Rosie Kane (Look her up. No i'm not a socialist)
Michelle Rainey
emily deschanel
Bob Marley
Bob Dylan


hunter s thompson
tom wolfe
roman polanski
angela merkel
1. Buddha
2. My gerbil
3. Jerry Cantrell
4. Bill Clinton because it reminds me of that one family guy episode. :-P
5. All of YOU

bonus: Obama
1. Someone from outer space (an alien)
2. Barack Hussein Obama. Than I would kill him.
3. Tupac and Biggie together
4. Leonard Susskind
5. Michio Kaku
1.O bizzy (Obama)
2.Kid Cudi
3.Snoop Dogg
4.Bob marley
5.My Grandma (lol would be so epic)

Bonus-The whole cast of half baked