if something I have learned and everyone swears by it is to NOT TELL ANYONE I know it's annoying to read this because you already have-
My story:
I had the perfect spot, the one that when you see it you know it's meant to pot growing. So I wanted to start with 3 "friends" for personal use, we agreed that each one will have to give its share of money for equipment and will have to work as hard as the other to earn their bud. Well, it was a nightmare! they didn't come through! didn't learn a thing and messed up the whole crop, that if they were kind enough to show up and offer a hand after long times of absences.
I got out of the deal and offered them to set them up an hydro system at no cost. I'd even provide the nutes for the first couple grows in return for them to leave me alone, but neither had the balls to grow in their places.
So now they know where the grow is and are expecting like vultures harvest time- They blackmailed me for weed, 30g each per grow or they'll tell. I'm talking about close friends here!! the ones you think you could trust. Luckely I haven't had to see the inside of a jail to understand that "trust" doesn't match at all with pot grow especially when it comes to people close to you.
I'll be shutting it down for a while, definitely lost 3 friends by witnessing a nasty glance at their true greedy colors, and ought'a find a new place and start from scratch if I plan to continue. (btw I'm looking advice regarding damage control)
Bottom line:
-You own the words you keep, those you tell may slave you!
-You can count on someone to keep a secret you can't keep yourself!
-If you need advice, support or acknowledgement, buy a camera and post on this forum
-A lot of people wants to take you down! don't offer the chance
my 2c