Top Colas Flowering Early?


Please help,

Its in week 6 but was just flushed for too low of a ph & over fert. 1 week later i now see some purple on the top leaves when there bubba kush. All conditions are now good, this is soil and im given them 3/4 nutes for the 2 weeks after the flush.

1. Top leaves are turning Purple, is it a nutrient missing?

2. Are they ready for harvest? I noticed the top colas are mostly amber and the overall growth has been halted for a week now. So im thinking since it was too low of a ph for the last 5 mths of the plants life (this is my buddies grow now im helping him) and now I'm only seeing minimal growth, new leaves are happy but it looks to me that i have to chop the top colas down pretty soon, correct?


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
1. Molybdenum deficiency. Add 2 tbs/gal molasses every watering or any nutes that contain even trace amounts of molybdenum.

2. You can just harvest the top first and wait for the rest of the buds to come along. Some growers prefer this, because in usualy SOG grows the top is realy the fastest and by harvesting it, nutes and light are diverted to the other buds, making them grow faster.


This is what i found about moly:

"Monitor the situation and watch the leaf colours - if they start changing colour then its possible it's deficient in P, but what I can tell you with 99% confidence is that's it is not deficient in Molybendum - Cannabis plants rarely ever suffer Molybendum deficiency and it's the rarest of the nutrients to be found deficient in Cannabis plants - the plants simply don't use enough of it to become deficient in that nutrient."


how do i cut the top colas, use a sharp scissors at an angle or straight?

I see the tops have 80% amber trichs so i should do this right away or it will degrade the thc right?

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Any sterilized scissor will do fine.

As rare as it may be, you have molybdenum def. Nothing else can cause new growth to go purple during flowering. Except for purple paint, that is...


Active Member
If the tops truly have 80% abmer tricromes and not just hairs that have changed color, then yes, pull the tops. It does not matter if you cut them at an angle or straight, just get them hung up somewhere with no light and a fan blowing on them.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have a fan blowing right ON the hanging harvest . . . tends to dry out the buds too fast, IMO.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
unless those are some pollen sacs then no. THE BUD HAS BEEN LST
They looks like male flowers to me, but I had to look twice and still not sure.

As far as harvesting the tops, wait until the hairs whither, then heck a scope.

Should look something like this



Active Member
The ahirs will change color first. Then the trichromes will will begin changing. You can pick when they are all cloudy if you are willing to have only a head high. More of the couch lock tends to come on as they turn abmer.

And as the picture provided by the other poster showed. Thrichromes are the balls of resin on the leaves.