Top dressing with organic ferts


Well-Known Member
So far I have three full grows under my belt, all soil. My soil mix is basically a variation of something called "Mel's Mix" and it does realy well for 1.5 months or so, then I need to supplement. I do this by top dressing.

My first two plants worked out well this way. They stayed fairly green even up till the harvest date and yield wasn't bad (about 1.25-1.5 oz). My third not so much, but it could have been the LED bleaching the leaves, not sure. Yield will still be pretty decent on her.

I'm on #4 right now and I'm struggling. Its a Female Pure AK at 48 days of 12/12 and she has pretty much lollipoped herself by yellowing off the fan leaves one by one. The rest of the leaves look fine, but the fan leaves just didn't hold out. So I'm looking at changing my top dressing schedule from this point on.

Right now, I top dress with either Jobe's Organics 3-4-3 or EB Stone 0-10-10 (or I combine if I think I need N), depending on how late in flower I am. But I only do so at 3.5-4 weeks. I also have some bat guano (3-10-1) and bone meal (4-12-0) but I've yet to use them.

Should I step up my schedule to every 3-4 watering? My plants typically go 4-5 days in a 3 gal fabric pot, so that would be top dressing every 12-20 days. Does this seem like a better schedule?



Active Member
A good healthy top dressing done at the beginning of flower should last you most of the way through flower. Maybe try an alfalfa tea or something a couple weeks into flowering to help your N problem (that sounds like what the issue is) Could also be a Mg deficiency though, so keep that in the back of your mind.


Active Member
I would give a good dose of EWC, Alfalfa Meal or that Bat guano at flowering transition and again about 3-4 weeks in for a 9-10 week flowering period. Bone Meal isn't water soluable from what I can remember but I could be wrong, so that N won't help unless you have microbial life to break it down and make it available to your plant, but that takes time. I say 3-4 weeks because if you flush your plants a week and a half to two weeks before harvest, it doesn't do you any good to feed N 6 weeks in. At the beginning of end of week 7, the plant should start naturally losing N because that's what happens when Fall arrives. It's what makes the leaves turn color. Low temps and increased rainfall do as well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I think that over all I'm doing fairly close to what is suggested here, just can't wrap my brain around this Pure AK getting yellow fan leaves so fast. As I said, the rest of the leaves are nice and green, just the big fan leaves that yellowed off one by one.


Active Member
Mine have been doing that too. Not AK, but a skunk I have from some beasters bag seed. The plant is overall very healthy, but the occasional fan leaf yellows and falls off. I believe it to be a N deficiency so I'm feeding with a little extra N during first flower nutes so that is has enough to last til harvest.
I dont know about a new top dressing every so often, you just end up covering your root zone over and over, will affect waterings. Which will affect other things. Think 1/8". My normal method is a compost "shake" top dressing, I just prepare some organic soil, perlite (lots), garden lime if needed for pH, and whatever dry fert I need to add at the time, then I soak the mix with my "steroid" juice and let dry. I do a high N top dressing with worm castings in veg, than I scrape that off in begin of flower and put a fresh high P K top dressing (bonemeal) on top. So 2 total dressing amendments, little to no liquid feeding, just waterings until close to harvest.